Christina Roy

Mary was only twelve years old. But, as often happens with children who are left to themselves early, she looked like an old woman - she was so used to grumbling, arguing, swearing at every opportunity.

Tip listened to Maria with secret fear. "Is it possible to start a new life in a House like ours?" he thought, but at once he resolutely approached his sister.

"Let me try to make a fire!" Now you will see how I can do it! Pour water into the kettle, in ten minutes the tea will be ready! Just don't make any noise, so as not to wake up your father!

Maria could not believe her ears. Meanwhile, having packed the wood in the stove in his own way, Tip lit the papers and chips. In one minute a cheerful, bright flame engulfed the whole armful.

Maria's surprise knew no bounds. Could it be Tip? Usually so lazy and daring, he deftly coped with a task that seemed very difficult to her.

To tell the truth, Tip did not recognize himself. He felt a new and strange feeling. Until now, he had led a completely selfish life, but today he was happy to help his sister. This first step gave him the desire to continue the work he had begun.

"That's the fire!" He said cheerfully. "Now let's make breakfast for father and mother!" You know how to toast bread, right?

"Do you doubt it?" Maria replied sharply. "I've burned my face and hands enough to learn!" And you would be able to do it if you did it more often!

"Well, fry two slices for your parents, and I'll make two cups of tea." Indeed, you and I are not bad cooks at all!

– Особенно ты! – презрительно съязвила Мария. Бедная девочка!

Хорошее расположение духа было так незнакомо ей, что редко приходилось отвечать кому либо без колкостей. Все же удивительная расторопность Типа невольно подействовала и на нее. Она отрезала два ровных куска хлеба, чтобы пожарить их на угольях. Между тем Тип открыл шкаф настоящий склад грязной посуды – и стал тщательно мыть и вытирать две чашки.

– Ты, кажется, помешался на чистоте! – с иронией заметила Мария.

– Да, да! – весело ответил Тип. – Я хочу попробовать эту, неизвестную нам, прелесть! Интересно посмотреть, на что все это станет похожим, когда станет чисто.

Наконец завтрак был готов. Поставив на поднос чай и чистую тарелку с хлебом, брат с сестрой отправились к родителям. И вдруг они услышали слабый голос отца: