Interpretation of the Gospel of John, compiled according to the ancient patristic interpretations of the Byzantines, XII century, by the learned monk Euthymius Zigaben

Verses 48-49. Who is the food of the prince who believes in Him, or of the Pharisees? But this people, who are not the message of the law.10 That the people believed, and you did not believe, is a still greater condemnation to you. The law here is generally called the entire Scripture.

Verse 49... Curse the essence.1 But the law cursed those who rejected the law. Therefore cursed are you who reject the law, but they keep the law by believing in Jesus Christ, because the law commands you to believe in God.

Verses 50-51. Nicodemus said to them, who came to Him in the night, the only one of them: "Does our law judge a man, if he does not hear from him first, and understands what he is doing?"2 The Evangelist added, "He is one of them," in order to show that some of the rulers also believed, although they themselves said that none of the rulers believed in Him. Thus, Nicodemus convicts them of breaking the law, although secretly and cautiously, since he did not yet have the proper courage to say so. If the law does not condemn before they hear and know, and they condemn Him before they hear and know, then they have broken the law.

Verse 52. And she answered and said to him, 'Thou art food also from Galilee?3 Do you not help Him because you come from the same country and homeland with Him? Look how strictly and harshly they answer.

Verse 52... Try and see, that a prophet does not come from Galilee.4 But Nicodemus did not say that Jesus Christ was a prophet, but only that he should not condemn him without investigating the matter; but they haughtily say, "Examine and learn, for you do not know the Scriptures." But if he did not know the Scriptures, how did he convict you of breaking the law? It should be noted that there are no further words, beginning with this passage even up to the words: "And Jesus spake unto them," saying, "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12), in more precise lists there are either no words at all, or they are enclosed between the dash. Therefore, they seem to be incorrectly ascribed and added, as evidenced by the fact that Chrysostom does not mention them at all. We must, however, try to explain these words as well, since what is contained in this section is not without use, such as the chapter on the woman taken in adultery.

Verse 53. And he went to his house,5 being angry at the words of Nicodemus, and fearing lest any other of the rulers should say the same.


Verse 1. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives, avoiding the night attack.

Verse 2. And in the morning he came to the church, and all the people went to him, and sat down and taught them.6 He here calls men those who said, This is truly a prophet, and those who said, This is the Christ; but the Jews, indignant at this, see how they are deceitful.

Verses 3-4. And the scribes and the Pharisee brought to Him a woman in adultery, and set her in the midst, and said to Him, "Teacher, this woman is now in adultery."7 Now (επ αυτοφωρψ – at the scene of the crime) means – openly, openly, so that he cannot object to anything.

Verses 5-6. And in the law Moses commanded us to stone such as these: but what sayest thou; And this was the decision to tempt Him, that they might have what they would say, Nan... 8 Knowing that Jesus Christ is merciful and compassionate, they thought that he would spare his wife, and thus they would have the accusation against him of unlawfully sparing one who by law should be stoned.

Verse 6... And Jesus bow down, writing with his finger on the ground, not laying it down.1 This is often done by those who do not wish to answer those who ask about anything inappropriate and unseemly. Knowing their wickedness, Jesus Christ continued to write on earth and pretended not to pay attention to what they were saying.

Verse 7. As you are diligent in questioning Him, lift yourself up to them, saying, Who is without sin in you, first turn the stone against you.2 Behold the wisdom of Him Who is Wisdom Itself; how skillfully He exposed their wickedness. See how He fulfilled the law and spared the woman. He commanded the one of them who was without sin to start stoning her, knowing that all were not sinless.