Interpretation of the Gospel of John, compiled according to the ancient patristic interpretations of the Byzantines, XII century, by the learned monk Euthymius Zigaben

Verse 8. And bow down, writing on the ground,3 so that they may be ashamed of being so easily exposed, since Jesus Christ did not even look at them, and that while He was busy writing, they might depart before they were subjected to more obvious condemnation. Jesus Christ spared them also because of His great goodness.

Verse 9. And they, having heard and rebuked their consciences, went forth one by one, beginning from the elders to the last...,4 since no one could say of himself that he was sinless.

Verses 9-10. And there is only one Jesus, and a woman in the midst of the being. And Jesus ascended, and when he saw not a single woman, he said to her, "Woman, where is the essence, who is against you; Who shall condemn thee?5 They departed, and left the woman untouched, and consequently uncondemned in that which they also found in themselves; otherwise they would have held it.

Verse 11. And she said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said to her, I do not condemn thee... 6 If they, men, have not condemned you, how much more do I, God and the Lawgiver, condemn you not.

Verse 11... Go and sin not.7 Such publicity and shame in front of so many witnesses was a sufficient punishment, especially when Jesus Christ knew that she had repented with all her heart.

Verse 12. And Jesus said to them, saying, "I am the light of the world...,8 as enlightening the minds of men, and leading from error to truth, from sin to virtue, as illuminating and gladdening their souls; we spoke about this above in the interpretation of the same Gospel, where it is written: "And life was light by man" (John 1:4). Jesus Christ said this because of the different opinions of the people about Him.

Verse 12... Walk in me, and walk in darkness... 9 errors and sin.

Verse 12... But to have an animal light... 10 The Light of Eternal Life.

Verses 13-14. For the Pharisee said to Him, Thou shalt bear witness of Thyself: Thy testimony is not true. Jesus answered, and said unto them, If I bear witness to myself, verily is my testimony... 11, Find in the fifth chapter (v. 31) the saying: If I bear witness of Me, My testimony is not true...; In the explanation of that saying, this is also mentioned. Some say that Jesus Christ said this as a man, and this as God, showing that He is not an ordinary man, as they supposed.

Стих 14... Яко вем, откуду приидох...,1 т.е. от Бога Отца.

Стих 14... И камо иду...,2 т.е. к Нему же по исполнении этого Домостроительства. Так как Я знаю, что пришел от Бога Отца и что к Нему же иду, то значит Я – Сын Божий и Бог. Следовательно, Я вполне достоверен, как сама Истина.

Стих 14... Вы же не весте, откуду прихожду, и камо гряду...,3 не весте – как думаете, как показываете, как притворяетесь, а в действительности знаете. Поэтому раньше (Ин. 7, 28) Иисус Христос сказал: и Мене весте, и весте, откуду есмь.

Стих 15. Вы по плоти судите..., чувственно, грубо, обращая внимание только на то, что видите, и не понимая ничего возвышенного и духовного. Зная, что они могут сказать: «Почему же Ты, если можешь, не наказываешь нас, которые так судят», – Иисус Христос сказал:

Стих 15... Аз не сужду ни комуже...4 не сужу теперь. Выше Иисус Христос сказал: не посла бо Бог Сына Своего в мир, да судит мирови, но да спасется Им мир (Ин. 3, 17); опять прочитай приведенное там толкование. А чтобы они опять-таки не сказали: «Потому Ты говоришь – не сужу, что не смеешь осудить нас», – Иисус Христос присоединяет: