Interpretation of the Gospel of John, compiled according to the ancient patristic interpretations of the Byzantines, XII century, by the learned monk Euthymius Zigaben

Verse 28. This was in Bethabara the Jordan, where John baptized.12 More correct copies are found in Bethabar, because Bethany was not beyond the Jordan, nor in the wilderness, but near Jerusalem. It marks the place, indicating that John spoke this about Christ in the presence of many. Omitting further events narrated by other Evangelists, namely the baptism of Jesus Christ, the testimony of Him from above, the forty-day fast in the wilderness and the temptation, the Evangelist tells about what happened after His departure from the wilderness and what was omitted by others.

Verse 29. In the morning (and) in the morning, John of Jesus coming to himself... 1 – the day after the return of Jesus Christ from the wilderness, since John still remained at the Jordan. Why does Jesus Christ go to John? As some had supposed that he, like the others, had received the baptism of repentance as a sinner, he now went to John to present him with an opportunity to correct such a suspicion by a more perfect testimony.

Verse 29... And he said, Behold the Lamb of God... 2 He called him the Lamb, reminding us of the types of the law and the prophecy of Isaiah, and as if to say, "Behold the Lamb formed in the law, and proclaimed by Isaiah." Then He adds His special, predominant attribute, namely, that He was sent by God to the slaughter for the salvation of people. Or: God's, i.e. Divine, because of His Divinity.

Verse 29... Take away the sins of the world.3 The lawful lamb that was slain took away the sins of one people of Israel, as a shadow, a predestination, and a type of truth, but the slain Lamb of God takes away the sins of the whole world and cleanses all who dwell in the world as truth; this one was unreasonable, but this one was rational and, moreover, even divine. By sins understand not only the impurities of the soul, from which He frees those who keep His commandments, but also the infirmities of the body, from which He frees the sick. By saying, "Take away the sins of the world," he destroyed the above-mentioned suspicion. It is obvious that He Who destroys the sins of other people Himself has no sins; and he who has no sins came to baptism for a completely different reason, which the Baptist indicates a little later.

Verse 30. This is, O Him who is before me: A Man is coming for me, Who was before me, as before me.4 Again He says, "Be before Me, as before me," openly humbling Himself as a servant, and exalting Him incomparably as a Lord.

Verse 31. And I did not know Him... 5 Lest it should be thought that he, having long been acquainted with Jesus Christ, gives such a testimony of Him out of favor to Him as a kinsman, saying, "I did not know Him before He came to the Jordan, because I was in the wilderness all the time." True, while still in his mother's womb, John recognized Jesus Christ and leaped up, as Luke wrote (1:41); but then he knew Him not according to natural laws, but naturally and in a way that no other man has. Now he recognized Jesus Christ in three ways: by sight, hearing, and prophetic knowledge; in none of these ways did John know Him before He came to the Jordan, and then He knew Him by all three. Prophetically, everything pertaining to Jesus Christ was revealed to John; wherefore he said, "He that cometh after me, shall be before me" (John 1:15). He saw Jesus Christ, and therefore he restrained Him, saying, "I require Thee to be baptized, and Thou art coming to me" (Matt. 3:14)?6 Finally, he heard of Him: "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased,"7 as the other Evangelists testified (Matt. 3:17; Mk. 1:11; Lk. 3:22).

Verse 31... But let Israel appear, for this reason he came with water to baptize.8 He also expressed the reason why he came to baptize: it was the same for both, namely, that Jesus Christ should be revealed to Israel. John was sent by God to the Jordan to preach the baptism of repentance, so that many people would flock to be baptized, and that Jesus Christ, standing in the midst of this multitude, as also wishing to be baptized, would receive a testimony on earth from John, and from heaven from the Father and the Holy Spirit, and so that, thus drawing them to Himself, He would begin to teach and work miracles. If this had not been the case, then everyone would not have come together in this way, and would not have heard this testimony in this way.

Verses 32-33. And John testified, saying, "He saw the Spirit descending like a dove from heaven, and abiding upon Him." And I did not know Him: but He who sent me to baptize with water, He said to me, 'Thou hast seen the Spirit descending over Him, and abiding upon Him, He is baptizing with the Holy Spirit.'1 Again He says, Thou shalt not lead Him, that thou mayest remove all suspicion from thy testimony. But when did God say to him, "Thou shalt see the Spirit descending over Him," etc.? When Jesus Christ had not yet appeared, God revealed to John everything concerning Him; at the same time he revealed all the other things and this; and then he pointed out Jesus Christ Himself, going to baptism. This Evangelist, as has already been said, omitted the events that followed the baptism of the Saviour, as recorded by the other Evangelists, while Matthew told them in more detail; therefore, it is necessary to read them for a better understanding.

Verse 34. And I saw2... 2 The Spirit, of course, descending and abiding upon Him.

Verse 34... And he testified that this is the Son of God.3 But where did he bear witness to this? This is not written anywhere. Without a doubt, he testified to this, but it was omitted by the Evangelists, as well as many other things.

Verses 35-36. In the morning stood John, and two of his disciples. And when he saw Jesus coming, he said, Behold the Lamb of God.4 It is not by chance or without necessity that John says this about Jesus Christ, but because his preaching has not yet touched the senseless Jews. Although no one asked him about Jesus Christ, yet he is forced to say the same thing again, and by repeating these words he awakens, as it were, the slumbering mind of the Jews. Just as the bridegroom does not speak to the bride about anything at first, nor does he take her himself, but the bridegroom's friend conducts all the negotiations and hands the bride over to him, and when he takes her, he will win her over so much that she forgets all that has gone before, so now Jesus Christ remains silent, and John prepares everything for Him, who is therefore called His friend, as he who is present at the marriage, and arranges all things for the bridegroom; but having received from him the Church betrothed to Him, Jesus Christ so endeared it to Himself that it immediately forgot all that had gone before. And just as at a wedding it is not the bride who comes to the bridegroom, but he to her, even though he be the king's son, and she is completely simple, so it was here. The great Bridegroom Himself came to the most humiliated bride and, uniting with her, did not allow her to remain there any longer, but took her and took her to her father's house, that is, to heaven.

Verse 37. And the two disciples heard him speaking, and after Jesus they walked.5 Though many heard, they heard only these, of course, with the ears of the soul, and the others with the body. Of John's disciples, only two followed Jesus Christ at that time, and many others remained, and went, of course, wishing to draw closer to Him.

Verse 38. And when Jesus was converted, and when I saw me walking after him, he said to him, "What is seeking; 6 Not because he who penetrated into the very thoughts of men did not know this, but in order to draw them nearer by this question, and to inspire them with boldness, for they were probably ashamed and afraid, like strangers.

Verse 38. And she said to him, "Rabbi, it is said to the teacher where you live,1 Though they have not yet learned anything from Jesus Christ, yet they call him a teacher, indicating the reason why they followed to hear something useful, and thus included themselves among the disciples. They say: where do you live, wishing to converse with Him in your dwelling and in peace?