«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Blessed Augustine



(Theology, Exegesis, Ethics) (1)

(Note: some texts from the Scriptures cited by Blessed Augustine differ from the Synodal translation)


On 83 Different Questions in One Book 1

Question 1. Does the soul exist from itself? 1

Question 2. On Free Decision (or Choice, or Volition) 1

Question 3. Is God to blame for the fact that man is getting worse? 1

Question 4. What is the reason that a person becomes worse? 1

Question 5. Can an irrational animal be blessed? 2

Question 6. About Evil 2

Question 7. What is properly called a soul in an animate being? 2

Question 8. Does the soul move on its own? 2

Question 9. Can truth be perceived by the bodily senses? 2

Question 10. Is the body from God? 3

Question 11. Why was Christ born of a woman? 3

Question 12. The Saying of a Certain Wise Man [Fontaeus of Carthage] 3

Question 13. What evidence shows that humans are superior to animals? 3

Question 14. The body of our Lord Jesus Christ was not a ghost 3

Question 15. On Thinking (De intellectu) 4

Question 16. On the Son of God 4

Question 17. On the Knowledge of God 4

Question 18. About the Trinity 4

Question 19. On God and Creation 4

Question 20. On God's Place 4

Question 21. Is God the Author of Evil? 5

Question 22. God Is Not Subject to Necessity 5

Question 23. On the Father and the Son 5

Question 24. Are both sin and righteous action found in the free decision of the will? 6

Question 25. On the Cross of Christ 6

Question 26. On the Distinction of Sins 6