«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Cotard's delirium is accompanied by confidence in the impending torments, tortures, prolonged and excruciatingly cruel, to which both the patient himself and his relatives and friends will be subjected.

Coprolalia is a systematic clogging of the speech of the mentally ill with abusive, obscene words, cynical expressions.

Suicidomania is a constant, unrelenting desire to commit suicide at all costs.

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Demonic possession will not be forgotten by anyone who has seen its manifestations at least once. I first observed such a person in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. She was a middle-aged woman. Every time the priest performed the censing of the church and approached the place where she stood, wild, inarticulate screams burst out of her and, as if in insensibility, the woman fell backwards. Then she stood up, quietly, with tears in her eyes, apologized to the worshippers...

Later, I encountered similar cases more than once. Let me give you another example. A believing Orthodox woman came to the reception at the direction of the rector of the church, of which she was a parishioner. It turned out that she had been on disability due to mental illness for some time. Quiet, in a headscarf, beautiful gray-blue eyes under glasses. She told me about her well-being. As a psychiatrist, it was not difficult for me to see mental disorders. But here's what happened next. Suddenly she changed all the way, began to move, and in a loud, very nasty, hoarse voice, cursed obscenely and said a few phrases, as if to herself. And it became quite clear to me and her escort, who was also in the office, that the demon was speaking in her.

Hegumen Mikhey (Timofeev), a monk of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, spoke about his spiritual father, Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin).

"At Father Seraphim's service, there were quite a lot of people possessed by a demon. Through the prayers of the priest, the demon was expelled from many of them. During the reading of the Gospel, the singing of the Cherubic Hymn, when the priest was censing or simply in the church, the altar, they shouted in different voices: the women – in a masculine way, in a bass voice, many barked in an auxiliary way, howled. Ivan also shouted loudly. Especially when the Royal Doors opened, the prayer "Draw near with the fear of God and faith" was read, and they began to commune of Christ's Holy Mysteries. It is impossible for such patients to approach Communion without help. Ivan came to Rakitnoye several times and now prays and crosses himself calmly.

Four people could hardly lead one possessed woman to Communion. Such a tremendous power opposed the Shrine, such was the hatred for the Chalice, that the woman stood as if rooted to the ground, resisted, turned away and backed away. But the Lord defeated the demon in her. Finding herself near Father Seraphim, holding the Chalice with the Holy Gifts, the woman quietly communed and, transformed before her eyes, humble and submissive, thanked God.

Father always treated such sick people with love. In many of the possessed who approached the elder, the demon shouted: "I will leave, I will leave, I will leave at once!" or "Oh, I will be caught by fire!" Many roared angrily, but they were afraid to approach the elder. One sick woman threw a jacket she had taken off on the head of a priest walking from the church, and he, not paying attention, walked with her. When those who accompanied him wanted to escort the woman out, the priest said: "Leave her, she is not to blame." Father helped many sufferers, many were healed."

Such examples are often found in the biographies of ascetics of the faith, spirit-bearing elders.