«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Or, finally, the newcomer has such psychophysical disorders that are an indirect consequence of personal or family sins and then need spiritual and psychiatric methods of treatment at the same time. In such cases, spiritual recovery can lead to psychiatric and physical recovery."

I will point out another very important spiritual observation: "The enemy has fallen with pride. Pride is the beginning of sin; it contains all kinds of evil: vanity, love of glory, lust for power, coldness, cruelty, indifference to the sufferings of one's neighbor; the dreaminess of the mind, the intensified action of the imagination, the demonic expression of the eyes, the demonic character of the whole appearance; gloom, melancholy, despair, hatred; envy, humility, many have a breakdown into carnal lust; tormenting inner restlessness, disobedience, fear of death or, on the contrary, a search to end one's life, and, finally, which is not uncommon, complete madness. These are the signs of demonic spirituality. But until they manifest themselves vividly, they remain unnoticed by many" (Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov), from the book "Elder Silouan the Athonite").

Of course, there is still much to be comprehended, to understand much in order to better help (spiritually and physically) the mentally ill.

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A few more words about psychiatrists. This work is not easy. The state provides this category of medical workers with a number of social benefits (payment for hazards, additional days for vacation). It is with bitterness that I write that almost nothing is said about spirituality in psychiatry (as elsewhere in modern medicine). There are also no spiritual requirements for psychiatrists. Hence the result. Moreover, it has a negative effect on both those being treated and those treating. For example, according to published data, depressive states are several times more common among psychiatrists than among doctors of other specialties. We have to state very sad facts: cases of suicidal behavior and completed suicide attempts among psychiatrists, unfortunately, are not isolated. There is only one way out of this situation for each and every one – turning to Christ, becoming churched, arranging one's life according to God's commandments.

Пастырская психиатрия

Среди всех медицинских специальностей существует одна, которая вплотную может соприкасаться с пастырством. Название ее – психиатрия. Наверное, не будет преувеличением сказать, что многие священники за годы своего служения встречались у исповедного аналоя или во время иного душепопечительства с ситуациями, когда их духовное чадо обнаруживало некоторые эмоциональные, поведенческие или мыслительные расстройства.

Встречаются и случаи пастырского окормления психически больных. И, наконец, выделяется обширная группа пограничных (на гране здоровья и болезни) психоневрологических нарушений, распространенность которых достаточно велика.

Раньше учащиеся духовных школ знакомились с пастырской психиатрией. В настоящее время предмет этот вновь вводится в учебные программы некоторых духовных школ.