«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Dmitry Alexandrovich Avdeev




Psychiatry, psychotherapy, narcology

Orthodoxy on Illnesses and the Sick

1. Question: How should an Orthodox Christian relate to illnesses?

There is no person on Earth who is devoid of diseases and sorrows. The sin of the forefathers changed the high position that the Lord granted to people. And, having lost Eden, man gained... decay and death. But God's mercy does not leave us, sinners and unworthy. Illnesses and sorrows are both hardships for us, and admonition, and reward from God. By them we, enduring them without complaint, are cleansed of sins, grow spiritually and prepare ourselves for eternity. Humility and patience, hope in the Lord and His good will – this is a truly Christian attitude.

If such behavior is such, then it strengthens the sick person morally, is imputed to him as a podvig. In this case, in the face of sorrows and ailments, a person shows the victory of the spirit over the flesh, of good over evil. Our Savior gave us an example of the greatest patience, love and meekness, enduring the sufferings of the Cross and praying for His crucifiers.

Illness is a time of self-examination, a time of reflection, a time of repentance. Let us remember that everything is from God: both sickness and health. And everything that is from God is for our good. Therefore, let us not lose heart. The merciful Lord will not send each of us more temptations than measure, for, according to the Apostle, God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to do, but when you are tempted he will also give you relief, so that you may be able to endure (1 Corinthians 10:13). Let us also keep in our hearts that which through many sorrows is fitting to enter into the Kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).