«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

деперсонализация – расстройство самосознания, субъективное чувство измененности своих психических и физических свойств;

дереализация – болезненнонеадекватное восприятие окружающей действительности, предметов, явлений.

Расстройства эмоций:

депрессия – сниженный фон настроения, сопровождающийся вялостью, утомляемостью, унылопессимистической оценкой происходящего; нередко присутствует бессонница; упорная депрессия может приводить к суицидальным мыслям и даже действиям; депрессия диагностируется в клинике многих психопатологических состояний; если депрессивное состояние продолжается более 23 недель, имеет суточные (утром – хуже, вечером – лучше) и сезонные (весна, осень – ухудшение) колебания, то в этом случае нужна врачебная помощь;

мания – болезненно повышенное настроение, сопровождающееся двигательным и речевым возбуждением; мания характерна для маниакального состояния в рамках маниакальнодепрессивного психоза;

дисфория – злобногневливое настроение; часто дисфория обнаруживается у больных эпилепсией;

апатия – эмоциональная опустошенность, безразличие к происходящему, к себе;

Autism is a pathological isolation.

5. Question: There is a mentally ill person in our family. How should we behave?

We must behave in a Christian way, with love. A mentally ill person needs special patience and care. At home, if possible, a gentle psychological climate should be created. Do not panic, escalate tension or overdramatize the situation, because the mood and anxiety of the household is transmitted to the sick person.

It is necessary to pray fervently for a mentally ill person, since his spiritual strength and will are upset by the illness. It is good if the family is spiritually nourished by a priest who is familiar with the patient and the nature of his pathology.

I will quote lines from a letter from a believer, an Orthodox person suffering from mental illness: "... Also about delusional ideas and obsessive thoughts. It is very difficult to defeat them head-on, but it is possible to bypass them. When I was in the hospital in a delirious state, my mother confessed and ordered a moleben with the blessing of water to the Mother of God, in front of the icon "Quick to Hearken", and the delirium left me. And again, when obsessions are found, no matter how much they contradict them, although it is clear that they are insane, it is impossible to drive them away. They have some kind of power from the devil, they stir the heart, they act not only on the mind, but also excite the feelings. But they can also be defeated bypassing. For example, I asked for prayer for me, and the thoughts that were constantly spinning in my mind left me, and these were questions to which I searched in vain for an answer..." This example is very instructive.

If a child is sick, then parents should remember that his well-being and mental state will largely depend on their piety.

It is also necessary to ensure that the patient follows the recommendations of the psychiatrist. Changes in behavior or deterioration in mental state should be reported to the attending physician.