«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Schizophrenia is a mental illness manifested by typical personality changes. In the clinical picture of schizophrenia, the following can be distinguished: 1) structural disorders of thinking - discontinuity, resonance, logical "slips", autistic thinking, delusions; 2) emotional disorders; 3) the phenomena of depersonalization and derealization; 4) deceptions of perception (hallucinations, etc.) and a number of other disorders. Schizophrenia is not a single disease, but a group of psychoses united under one term, which can have different strength and duration of pathological manifestations and differ in the type of course. Patients with schizophrenia require observation and treatment by a psychiatrist.

8. Question: What is manic-depressive psychosis?

Manic-depressive psychosis is a mental illness, the main clinical signs of which are manic, depressive or mixed phases, which can replace each other in different sequences. Sometimes in the clinic of manic-depressive psychosis, one phase predominates. A characteristic feature of this disease is the presence of light intervals (state of practical health). In periods of exacerbations, treatment is necessary, and in the inter-attack period, preventive measures are indicated.

9. Question: Tell us about epilepsy.

Epilepsy – or "falling disease" – can be manifested by convulsive seizures or there can be so-called non-convulsive mental equivalents. They are periodically recurring attacks of dysphoria, aggression, etc. In the character of patients, features of excessive pedantry and punctuality may be found. At the same time, patients with epilepsy have a grudge. These traits seem to reflect the "viscous" thinking of people suffering from epilepsy. Various varieties of epileptic psychoses have been described.

10. Question: Many sciences deal with the human psyche. Help me understand them.

I will point out only the most extensive areas in science and practice.