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It must be said that smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on the child's body. Among other things, a teenager forms a complex of neuropsychic deviations. Attention, memory, sleep suffer, mood "jumps".

Smokers develop nicotine syndrome. It is the same addiction as alcohol and drugs, only less damaging to health. Although it depends on how to say. After all, lung cancer is not an argument in favor of the harmlessness (according to some) of this addiction.

By the way, it should be mentioned that according to the new classification of diseases, which came into force in 1999, tobacco addiction is officially recognized as an ailment. And we will add – sinful. Since smoking is self-indulgence, it is a form of self-gratification. It is rightly said that smoking is incense for demons.

14. Question: What types of drugs are used to treat mental illnesses?

Mental illnesses are treated with various groups of drugs (neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, etc.), which are taken exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. In pharmacies, they are issued strictly by prescription.

15. Question: What sedatives can I use on my own?

Here is an approximate list of sedatives that can be used independently - they are available without a prescription: valerian extract (or tincture), persen, glycine, motherwort extract (or tincture), novopassit (mixture or tablets), deprim, valoserdin, negrostin, bayubay, sedatives No 2, 3, corvalol, corvaldin, adonisbrom, validol, valocardin, Zelenin drops. The method of administration and doses are indicated in the inserts to the drug or on the package.