«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

14. Question: What types of drugs are used to treat mental illnesses?

Mental illnesses are treated with various groups of drugs (neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, etc.), which are taken exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. In pharmacies, they are issued strictly by prescription.

15. Question: What sedatives can I use on my own?

Here is an approximate list of sedatives that can be used independently - they are available without a prescription: valerian extract (or tincture), persen, glycine, motherwort extract (or tincture), novopassit (mixture or tablets), deprim, valoserdin, negrostin, bayubay, sedatives No 2, 3, corvalol, corvaldin, adonisbrom, validol, valocardin, Zelenin drops. The method of administration and doses are indicated in the inserts to the drug or on the package.

16. Question: How to correlate mental (treatment) and spiritual help to the sick?

The task of the priest is to tune the pastor to patience and humility, to pray for him. The task of a doctor is to trust in God's help to treat mental disorders with the methods of modern medicine.

A psychiatrist, psychotherapist, influencing a person's will, his mind and emotions, helps to overcome the disease or its consequences. He tries to eliminate pathological symptoms and syndromes of the central nervous system, such as depression, anxiety, asthenia, etc., which have arisen not because of enemy temptation, but for biological and hereditary reasons. Upon recovery (when possible), the person returns to his normal state. He can soberly look at the life around him and at himself, attend the temple of God, pray, work for the good of his family and society.