«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

In the psychotherapeutic encyclopedia, published in 1999, there is a substantial article entitled "Orthodox Psychotherapy".

A number of books, brochures and articles covering the problems of spirituality in psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychology have been published. In short, work in this important area has begun, but much remains to be done.

The modern stage of psychiatry is being created today and depends on us, dear colleagues, on our faith and spirituality. Our Lord Jesus Christ will ask us for every day, for every patient. Do we work for the glory of God or not? This question remains open for now.

20. Question: Tell us about the Orthodox view of the causes of mental illness.

In the foundations of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, in particular, it is said: "The Church considers mental illness as one of the manifestations of the general sinful corruption of human nature. Distinguishing in the personal structure the spiritual, mental, and bodily levels of its organization, the Holy Fathers distinguished between diseases that developed "from nature" and ailments caused by demonic influence or resulting from passions that enslaved a person. In accordance with this distinction, it seems equally unjustified both to reduce all mental illnesses to manifestations of possession, which entails the unjustified performance of the rite of exorcism of evil spirits, and to attempt to treat any spiritual disorders exclusively by clinical methods...

Психическое заболевание не умаляет достоинства человека. Церковь свидетельствует, что и душевнобольной является носителем образа Божия, оставаясь нашим собратом, нуждающимся в сострадании и помощи…".

21. Вопрос: Недуги от "естества". Расскажите об их особенностях.