«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»
- the teachings of neo-Buddhism and neo-Hinduism, simplified by the masters of European theosophy;
- occultism (magic and Satanism), in particular, the works of the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley, whose heirs repeatedly accused Hubbard of plagiarism; No less striking evidence is the symbolism of Scientology: a crossed cross, thirteen clovers, etc.
The term "Scientology" is deciphered by adepts as "the study of knowledge." At first, Hubbard tried to present his Dianetics as a science, but having met with complete rejection from scientists, he was forced to give it a religious "cover". Scientologists try in every possible way to give their teachings a tinge of science: their literature is saturated with self-made special scientific-sounding terms and abbreviations (newspeak), computer methods, tests, and graphs are used. However, there is no true science in learning. It all comes down to studying the dogmas set forth in Hubbard's books. Any spoken or written word of the founder is considered "holy scripture." In reality, Scientology is a mixture of information from psychology, black magic, the occult and science fiction, multiplied by an unquestioning belief in the infallibility and genius of the Founding Father Hubbard, and the organization he created.
Hubbard views the workings of consciousness through the functioning of two parts: the "analytical" mind, which is responsible for solving life's problems, and the "reactive" mind. The "reactive" mind stores sensory records of traumatic events, the so-called "engrams," which are seen as an obstacle to achieving success in life. The goal of Dianetics is to remove such engrams, which is achieved with the help of special procedures - "auditing". This is a kind of communication-confession, during which you are obliged to tell the auditor about everything that he asks you, including your personal life, about relatives and icons, their occupations, etc.
As a result of such a process of purification, an individual with superhuman abilities appears - a "clear", and in essence a person devoid of a sense of empathy, moral principles, and conscience. To a certain extent, the cleansing of engrams resembles the psychoanalytic technique of liberation from neurotic complexes, but for Hubbardists it is aimed at the development of moral stupidity, and most importantly, it forms in the adept the so-called dependent personality disorder - the goal of all totalitarian sects.
Scientology teaches that beyond the body and mind there is a peculiar, basic element of the personality, the "thetan," which represents the human spirit or life energy, and which has supernatural powers. The thetan is believed to have existed for 300 trillion years, moving from body to body or traveling through the universe. In Hubbard's view, thetans can leave the body they inhabit and exist outside of any physical body outside of the physical universe. This spirit or life energy must be understood in such a way that we can advance to a higher level of existence, where we will not be affected by all the troubles and pangs of conscience in life. This is the way to achieve a state of complete mental freedom or the state of "Operating (Acting) Thetan" (OT). This state is achieved after a person has passed the state of "clear".
According to Scientology doctrine, the attainment of OT is the key to immortality. OT is able to control physical matter, energy, space and time. It is postulated that anyone who uses Scientology technology can become a self-determined, truly god-like being, not limited by the dimensions of space and time.
According to Hubbard, 75 million years ago, a certain Xenu, ruler of 76 planets, gathered most of the population of his empire - an average of 178 billion on each planet - and moved them to Earth. There he blew up everyone in the volcanoes with hydrogen bombs, as a result of which the spirits of the "thetans" (emphasis - on the first syllable - ed.) were connected by "electronic tapes". Completely disoriented as a result of the carnage, stripped of their bodies, the "thetans" were subjected to 36 days of hypnotic "implantation" and tied together. These "implants" 75 million years before Christ allegedly contained plans for the development of all future civilizations, and even Christian teaching. Hubbard ordered that this "secret" contained in the OT-3 course be kept in the strictest confidence, since an unprepared person who accidentally learned its contents would die within two days. Since then, this story has been published in many newspapers and magazines, but no epidemics or plagues have followed.
Is the "Church of Scientology" a screen for spies?
There is a well-known report by the Federal Security Service of Russia (then FSK) on the activities of foreign intelligence services in Russia, where the activities of Hubbard College, a subsidiary of the Church of Scientology, are not ignored: "By collecting open information, research centers try to obtain information that constitutes a state and commercial secret. For example, representatives of Hubbard College in Obninsk conducted testing of Russian specialists, including those who were aware of state secrets, during which they obtained information about the personalities and the state of affairs at enterprises, including high-security facilities" [41].
However, for some reason, Russian counterintelligence officers did not go beyond the publication of these materials. With the ostentatious filling of official positions in the leadership of the Church of Scientology by Russians (Ryazantsev, Kochiashvili, Kuropyatnik, Shlopak), it is foreigners who hold all the reins of control of this rigidly structured organization built on the military model [44]. What they really do - no one knows.