«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

There is another opinion. "So far, no one has been able to prove that the Church of Scientology, or even a significant part of it, is not affiliated with the CIA. Moreover, it looks very plausible, writes Françoise d'Eaubonne in his book "With... as sects" [47]. - From the very beginning, the "Church of Scientology" differed from other numerous American sects not only in its prosperity from the first days of its existence, but also in its realism. She immediately stated that the goal of her members was to "manipulate others." An ideal cover for those who, according to their duty, have to "manipulate" people. In addition, the very personality of L. Ron Hubbard was very suitable for the stencil of the CIA figures of the old formation" [29].

For the time being, Scientologists were a good cover for the "quiet Americans" from Langley. When the wave of scandals associated with the sect began, Scientologists turned into the prodigal children of America for them [29]. And the scandals around Hubbard and his associates arose loudly. But more on that later...

The Belgian intelligence services are seriously concerned about the involvement of the Church of Scientology in intelligence activities. A Belgian parliamentary commission entrusted the case to investigator Bülte. He is sure that the methods, philosophy and rapid growth of the ranks of "Scientologists" cannot but worry democratic regimes. Therefore, the detectives subordinate to him bit by bit collect in a computerized center all the information about those who are suspected of having connections with the sect. The most dangerous is the activities of the group headed by the American Martin Weitman. He is considered the head of the "central intelligence agency" of the "Scientology" sect, and in Brussels he organized a powerful lobby that puts pressure on the governing bodies of the European Union, including through the European Parliament. According to the investigator, "Scientologists" always operate on the very edge of the law [8].

In Russia, the Church of Scientology has recently been distributing among its adepts, especially newcomers, a very interesting questionnaire from this point of view, in which question No19 reads: "Are you connected with intelligence organizations in the present or in the past or through close relatives?", question No22: "Have you served or worked in Army units or government organizations with high secrecy?" (There are at least two people in the Moscow Committee for the Rescue of Youth who are willing to give written testimony that they were given this particular questionnaire at the Hubbard Humanitarian Center.) If the respondent answered "yes" to these questions and a few others, no less interesting, then he is asked to write about this in more detail on the back of the sheet. According to one former adept, Scientologists are later urged to write even more extensive answers to these two questions. Additional information on these matters is obtained from the information carrier during sessions of a Scientology procedure called "auditing," which is a kind of repeated and complete confession of a person to the probiter, who records the answers received in detail. The answers are collected in a single database, according to some reports, this is done by the 20th department of the Church of Scientology in Moscow. The processed and systematized data is sent by courier to the headquarters of the Church of Scientology in the United States.

How can this be qualified otherwise, if not espionage?! Throughout the democratic world, this is exactly what such actions would be called. And this is how they are called in Greece, Germany and some other countries [44]. Undoubtedly, the activities of this organization should be taken under the control of the FSB of the Russian Federation and the operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the presence or absence of ties between the leadership of the "Church of Scientology" and the US CIA must be checked by the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.