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L. Ron Hubbard - "Famous Scientist" and "Benefactor of Mankind"

Or a charlatan and a businessman from religion?

"There is nothing more stupid than desire

to always be smarter than everyone else"

(François de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims)

"Oh, you little liar!"

said Mrs. Bock to Karlsson."

("The Kid and Karlsson")

"Mr. Hubbard is a typical charlatan"

(Ruling of the London Supreme Court,

1984, Judge Laity)

The creator of Dianetics, Scientology and all other gadgets related to them - Lafayette Ronald Hubbard was born in Tilden (Nebraska) in 1911 on March 3 or 13. His childhood first passed on the farm of his parents, then on board a merchant ship on which his father, the captain of the ship, sailed. Having entered the physics department of the University of Washington, Hubbard barely studied for a year and decided to seek his fortune in the literary field. Brisk for invention, he began to compose science fiction novels [29].

After the war, Hubbard took an active part in the activities of one of the Satanist sects, the founder of which was the famous Satanist of the twentieth century, Aleister Crowley, from whom Hubbard largely adopted the ideas of building his pseudo-religious system [1]. According to [20], Hubbard's son testified that most of his "scientific revelations" were made by his father under the influence of drugs. Declaring his loyalty to all religions, Hubbard in the last years of his life, according to the information given in [17], revealed the "innermost secret" that his "mission" on Earth was the mission of the Antichrist to prevent the Second Coming.

As a third-rate science fiction writer, Hubbard, after a series of financial failures, realized that there were easier ways to get rich. In 1949, speaking at a convention of science fiction writers in New Jersey, Hubbard declared: "To write to get a penny a word is ridiculous. If a person really wants to get a million dollars, then the best way is to found his own religion." A year after this statement, in 1950, Hubbard published the said book with the teachings of Dianetics [1]. It must be said that in the West, for almost forty years of its existence, Dianetics has not produced a single major scientist, politician or artist. Those few really famous movie "stars" who became members of Dianetics organizations achieved success and recognition before meeting Dianetics [18].

Nevertheless, the idea to make money on the creation of his own religion turned out to be fruitful. From a not very rich writer, the founder of Scientology turned into a multimillionaire with a fortune of 640 million dollars by the end of his life. He had at his disposal a huge rigidly structured organization created by him (see Fig. 1 [44]).

Hubbard was recognized as a criminal by the courts of many countries, and in a number of countries he was declared persona non grata. For example, in 1978 in France, Hubbard was sentenced to prison and a fine for fraud, but escaped punishment by fleeing the country. In the United States, during the case of the theft of government secret documents in 1977, Hubbard was included in the list of criminals, but not sentenced to prison. In 1985, the U.S. Internal Investigation Service investigated Hubbard's financial fraud. Hubbard was "saved" from criminal punishment only by death in 1986 [1,20]. But despite all this, for Scientologists he is still the wisest, most merciful and simply the most human person who has ever lived.

Possessing a rare writing potential and having written more than 800 papers and more than 6 thousand lectures during his life, according to his supporters, which need to be verified, (from 1951 to 1954 alone, more than 20 books were written and more than 1100 lectures were given), L. Ron Hubbard did not manage to get a higher education and was expelled from the university in his second year for poor academic performance. Justice Breckenridge of the California Supreme Court, after studying the biography of L. Ron Hubbard in 1984, defined him as "a pathological liar when he touches on his past" [18].