Nicholas of Serbia, St. - Missionary letters

To this people will object with annoyance:

"If we become unanimous and of one mind, the entire political life based on the party system of the three main parties – progressive, super-progressive and ultra-progressive" – will come to a standstill. You are opponents of advanced modern politics, and for this you should be stoned.

But again the prophets will call:

"Do not rebel against one another: you are brothers. Demons seduce you, divide you and destroy you. Be free from demons.

When the rulers of the nations hear these words, they will be angry:

– The entire economic system depends on the military industry. Warriors are the best breeders, they select the strong and viable, this is what our philosophers teach us, we learn this from the wild, from crocodiles and orangutans. So, you are against the development of the modern economy? We'll kill you if you don't shut up.

Then God's people will cry out:

"Alas for you, brethren, abandon foolish thoughts and words, hasten to save your souls from the fire of Gehenna, which is already opening its mouth to devour you!" Abandon all carnal wisdom: you are not animals, you are people of God, behold, the Lord is coming to judge the world!

Losing patience, people will be furious:

"What kind of fables about the soul do you compose?" Our progress has long refuted the fiction about some kind of "soul", these are the fantasies of our ancestors. The body is our treasure. The body is our divinity. Once it secreted a kind of whiny liquid, which was called tears, soul... But in the process of evolution, the body has improved and got rid of it, it strives only for progress!

Then the prophets, having made the sign of the cross over the water, will transform it into holy blood to confirm their words and will exclaim menacingly:

"We talk to you, and you laugh or get angry. We teach you, and you rebel. For the last time, the very last, your Saviour speaks to you through our lips; Christ crucified and resurrected calls you, for the last time: repent! Have mercy on yourself and shrink back from the edge of the eternal abyss! Do you hear: thunder rumbles? Do you feel the earth trembling? Do you feel how the air fluctuates? Don't hear voices from another world? Do you not see the vision? Cranes feel the approach of winter cold, how can you not feel the approach of the Judgment? Repent, O last descendants of the sinful Adam!

Maddened sinners will roar in a frenzied rage:

"The Jews killed Christ, the deceiver in life, and our progress killed Christ, the deceiver after death. For us, everything is relative: we easily turn any truth into a lie and any lie into the truth. But that you may no longer trouble us, we will kill you by the power of our king. O our lord, the devil, help us!