Lives of Saints. March

But they cried out to the saint:

- No, do not lay the blame on our god and do not take revenge on him: it is our own fault that we delayed coming: we lost our way on the way, and therefore could not fulfill the agreement.

Such an answer greatly angered the saint, and he said to them:

"If you still do not believe in my God, but continue to believe in your idol, will you do what he himself proclaims to you?"

They all answered:

"If we truly hear the voice of our God, we will immediately fulfill his word, for we believe in him without doubt.

And again they made an agreement with the saint and gave their word more firmly than the first, that they would believe everything that their god would say. Then the saint, standing before the cave where the pagan temple of Apollo was located, cried out to the idol with a loud voice:

-Idol! I say to you, Thus commands my Lord Jesus Christ, come out of the pagan temple, and come hither to me.

And immediately the soulless image, as if alive, swayed, fell from its place and, rolling on the ground, rolled to the saint and, rising from the ground, stood before him. The whole multitude of the people was greatly terrified, and with loud cries rushed to flight. Saint Konon waved his hand to them, persuaded them not to be afraid, and barely stopped them. After calming them down, he turned back to the idol, and everyone began to watch carefully what would happen next. And the saint began to ask the idol:

- Скажи нам, бездушный истукан, кто Истинный Бог, ты ли, или проповедуемый мною Господь мой Иисус Христос?

Тотчас каменный идол с трепетом простёр свои руки к небу и громко человеческим голосом произнес:

- Един Истинный Бог, проповедуемый тобою Христос.

Сказавши так, идол упал и рассыпался. Видя это чудо, весь народ воскликнул:

- Един Истинный Бог, Бог Конона: Он победил.