Lives of Saints. March

Blessed Germanus said to her:

-Mrs! What faith are you, if you have never heard of the dreadful judgment of God and do not understand the meaning of the words I have read?

"By my country and by faith," said Eudocia, "I am a Samaritan; My wealth is immeasurable, and I am especially troubled and frightened by the grief and the eternal and inextinguishable fire with which the book you have read threatens the rich. I had never seen such words in the books of our faith, and therefore I was quite alarmed when I heard something new and unexpected.

Blessed Germanus asked:

"Do you have a husband, mistress?" And where did you get your immeasurable, as you say, wealth?

"I have no lawful husband," she answered, "and my wealth has been collected from many husbands. And if the rich shall be condemned after death to such a grievous and eternal torment, what shall my riches profit me?

Herman said to her:

- Tell me the true truth (for my Christ, Whom I serve, is true and true), do you want to be saved without riches and live prosperously, in joy and joy, for endless ages? Or do you want to suffer cruelly with your wealth in eternal fire?

"It is much better for me to get eternal life without wealth," Eudoxia answered, "than to perish with wealth once forever." But I wonder why the rich will be so executed after death? Does your God have such a cruel and implacable hatred for the rich?

- Нет, - сказал Герман, - не отвращается от богатых Бог и не запрещает им быть и богатыми, но ненавидит неправедное приобретение богатства и употребление богатства на жизнь в наслаждениях и похотях греховных; потому, если кто приобретает богатство законным путем и приобретенное тратит на добрые дела, тот безгрешен и праведен пред Богом, а кто собирает богатство хищением, грабежом и неправдою или вообще каким-либо греховным делом, кто бережет богатство в своих сокровищницах, не милосердуя о нищих, не подавая просящим, не одевая нагих, не насыщая алчущих, - тому будет мука без милости.

Евдокия спросила:

- А мое богатство не кажется тебе неправедным?

Герман отвечал:

- По истине оно неправедно и противнее Богу всякого греха.