The Law of God

Before the ninth irmos, the deacon exclaims: "Let us magnify the Mother of God and the Mother of Light in song! and performs the censing of the church.

At this time, the choir sings the song of the Mother of God: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and My spirit rejoices in God My Saviour... To each verse is added the refrain: "More honorable than the cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the Mother of God, we magnify Thee."

At the end of the song of the Mother of God, the choir continues to sing the canon (9th canto).

The following can be said about the general content of the canon. Irmoses remind the faithful of the Old Testament times and events from the history of our salvation and gradually bring our thoughts closer to the event of the Nativity of Christ. The troparia of the canon are dedicated to the events of the New Testament and are a series of verses or hymns to the glory of the Lord and the Mother of God, as well as in honor of the event being celebrated, or the saint glorified on this day.

After the canon, psalms of praise are sung - stichera on praise - in which all God's creatures are called to the glorification of the Lord: "Let every breath praise the Lord"...

After the singing of the psalms of praise, there follows a great doxology. The Royal Doors are opened during the singing of the last sticheron (on the Sunday of the Theotokos) and the priest exclaims: "Glory to Thee, Who hast shown us the light!" (In ancient times, this exclamation preceded the appearance of the sun's dawn).

The choir sings a great doxology, which begins with the words: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. We praise Thee, let us bless Thee, we bow down, we praise Thee, we thank Thee, great for the sake of Thy glory"...

In the "great doxology" we thank God for the light of day and for the gift of spiritual Light, i.e. Christ the Savior, Who enlightened people with His teaching – the light of truth.

The "Great Doxology" ends with the singing of the Trisagion: "Holy God"... and the troparion of the feast.

After this, the deacon pronounces two litanies in succession: the Augmented Litanies and the Supplicatory Litanies.

Matins at the All-Night Vigil ends with the dismissal - the priest, addressing the worshippers, says: "Christ is our true God (and on the Sunday service: Risen from the dead, Christ our true God...), through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the holy glorious Apostles... and all the saints, will have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and a lover of mankind."

In conclusion, the choir sings a prayer that the Lord may preserve the Orthodox Bishopric, the ruling bishop and all Orthodox Christians for many years to come.

Immediately after that, the last part of the all-night vigil begins, the first hour."

The service of the first hour consists of the reading of psalms and prayers, in which we ask God to hear our voice in the morning and correct the works of our hands during the day. The service of the 1st Hour ends with a victorious hymn in honor of the Mother of God: "Victorious Commander Chosen Commander"... In this song, we call the Mother of God "a victorious leader against evil." Then the priest pronounces the dismissal of the 1st hour. This is the end of the all-night vigil.