To help penitents

5. Sadness

Grief, anguish, cutting off hope in God, doubting God's promises, unthanking God for everything that happens, faint-heartedness, impatience, lack of self-reproach, sorrow for one's neighbor, murmuring, renunciation of the cross, an attempt to descend from it.

6. Despondency

Laziness to every good deed, especially to prayer. Abandonment of the church and home prayer rule. Abandonment of unceasing prayer and spiritually beneficial reading. Inattention and haste in prayer. Negligence, lack of reverence. Idleness. Excessive soothing by sleep, lying down, and all kinds of non-soothing. Moving from place to place. Idle talk. Drollery. Abandonment of prostrations and other bodily feats. Forgetting one's sins. Forgetting the commandments of Christ. Negligence (about salvation). Deprivation of the fear of God. Bitterness. Insensibility. Despair.

7. Vanity

The search for human glory. Bragging. Desire and search for earthly honors. Addiction to beautiful clothes and things. Attention to the beauty of your face, the pleasantness of your voice and other qualities of the body. Addiction to the sciences and arts of this perishing age, the search for success in them in order to acquire temporary, earthly glory. It is shame to confess one's sins, hiding them before people and one's spiritual father. Slyness. Self-justification. Rebuke. Hypocrisy. Lie. Flattery. Man-pleasing. Envy. Humiliation of one's neighbor. Changeability of temper. Pretence. Unscrupulousness. The temper and life are demonic.

8. Pride

Contempt for one's neighbor. Preference for oneself to everyone. Audacity. Darkening, debilitation of mind and heart, nailing them to earthly things. Reviling. Disbelief. Charm. Falsely named mind. Disobedience to the Law of God and the Church. Following one's carnal will. Reading heretical, depraved and vain books. Disobedience to the authorities. A sharp mockery. Abandonment of Christ-imitating humility and silence. Loss of simplicity. Loss of love for God and neighbor. False philosophy. Heresy. Atheism. Ignorance. Death of the soul.

On the Virtues Opposed to the Eight Main Sinful Passions

1. Abstinence

Refraining from excessive consumption of food and drink, especially from drinking wine in excess. The exact keeping of the fasts established by the Church. The restraint of the flesh by moderate and constantly equal use of food, from which all passions begin to weaken in general, and especially self-love, which consists in wordless love of the flesh, its life and rest.

2. Chastity

Avoidance of all kinds of fornication. Avoiding voluptuous conversations and reading, from pronouncing foul, voluptuous, ambiguous words. The preservation of the senses, especially sight and hearing, and even more the sense of touch. Modesty. Rejection of the thoughts and dreams of the prodigal. Silence. Silence. Ministry to the sick and crippled. A Memory of Death and Hell. The beginning of chastity is the mind, unshaken by prodigal thoughts and dreams; the perfection of chastity is the purity that sees God.

3. Non-acquisitiveness