To help penitents

Contempt for one's neighbor. Preference for oneself to everyone. Audacity. Darkening, debilitation of mind and heart, nailing them to earthly things. Reviling. Disbelief. Charm. Falsely named mind. Disobedience to the Law of God and the Church. Following one's carnal will. Reading heretical, depraved and vain books. Disobedience to the authorities. A sharp mockery. Abandonment of Christ-imitating humility and silence. Loss of simplicity. Loss of love for God and neighbor. False philosophy. Heresy. Atheism. Ignorance. Death of the soul.

On the Virtues Opposed to the Eight Main Sinful Passions

1. Abstinence

Refraining from excessive consumption of food and drink, especially from drinking wine in excess. The exact keeping of the fasts established by the Church. The restraint of the flesh by moderate and constantly equal use of food, from which all passions begin to weaken in general, and especially self-love, which consists in wordless love of the flesh, its life and rest.

2. Chastity

Avoidance of all kinds of fornication. Avoiding voluptuous conversations and reading, from pronouncing foul, voluptuous, ambiguous words. The preservation of the senses, especially sight and hearing, and even more the sense of touch. Modesty. Rejection of the thoughts and dreams of the prodigal. Silence. Silence. Ministry to the sick and crippled. A Memory of Death and Hell. The beginning of chastity is the mind, unshaken by prodigal thoughts and dreams; the perfection of chastity is the purity that sees God.

3. Non-acquisitiveness

Self-satisfaction with the one thing that is necessary. Hatred of luxury and bliss. Mercy to the poor. Love of the poverty of the Gospel. Hope in God's Providence. Following Christ's commandments. Calmness and freedom of spirit. Carelessness. Softness of heart.

4. Meekness

Avoidance of angry thoughts and from the indignation of the heart with fury. Patience. Following Christ, Who calls His disciple to the cross. Peace of the heart. Silence of the mind. Christian firmness and courage. Not feeling insulted. Kindness.

5. Blissful Crying

A feeling of falling, common to all people, and of one's own spiritual poverty. Lamentation about them. The cry of the mind. A painful contrition of the heart. Vegetating from them is the lightness of conscience, grace-filled consolation and joy. Hope for God's mercy. Thanks be to God in sorrows, humble endurance from the sight of the multitude of one's sins. Willingness to tolerate them. Purification of the mind. Relief from passions. The desire for prayer, solitude, obedience, humility, confession of one's sins.

6. Sobriety

Diligence for every good deed. Unslothful correction of the church and home prayer rule. Attention during prayer. Careful observation of all your deeds, words and thoughts. Extreme distrust of oneself. Unceasing abiding in prayer and the Word of God. Awe. Constant vigilance over oneself. Guarding yourself from a lot of sleep, effeminacy, idle talk, jokes and witty words. Love of nocturnal vigils, prostrations, and other feats that bring cheerfulness to the soul. Leaving home only out of necessity. Remembrance of eternal blessings, desire and expectation of them.