Old Testament prophetic schools. Biblical-Historical Etude

37. Dillmann explains the form of hitnabbe in the sense of "showing oneself to be a prophet", to be inspired. Handbuch der Alttestamentliche Theologie. S.475. F. Vladimirsky. Cit. cit., p.3940. Note.

38. Ibid. P.18.

39. See: Dr. Iosiph Stier. Op. cit. S.1719. Vitringa. Op. cit. S.77357358. A.P. Lopukhin. Biblical history in the light of the latest research and discoveries. Vol.2. St. Petersburg, 1890. P.680 et seq.

40. M. Verzhbolovich. Cit. cit., p.255.

41. For example, Ehler, Keil, Maybaum, Knobel, Bogorodsky, and others. Cit. cit., p.254. Note 1.

42. In addition to scientific goals, according to scholars from the deists, the prophetic schools also pursued the goals of political opposition. Others regard the prophetic schools as hotbeds of Yahweism; they developed the system of Yahweism, and they also introduced it into the Old Testament canon. See: Herzog. RE2. Bd.12. S.271. Anm. Vitringa's view of the prophetic schools as educational and philosophical institutions is decisively expressed: "Certe hi prophetarum filli fuerunt philosophi, vel, si, vis, theologi et theologiae candidati ac alumni, scientiae rerum divinarum sedulo incumbentes sub duetu unius alicujus exercitati doctoris." Op. cit. P.350. Also Tenneman, Meiners, Winer, etc.

43. See: Prof. Priest. A.A. Glagolev. The Book of Proverbs of Solomon. - Explanatory Bible. Vol.4. St. Petersburg, 1907. P.423.

44. Epist. ad Rusticum: "... quos monachos in Vetere Testamento legimus". Epist. ad Paulinum: "Noster (monachorum) princeps Heliaz, noster Heliseus, nostri duces filii prophetarum".

45. "Sieht man auf Zweck und Ziel des Mönchthums, so steht dasselbe in directem Widerspruche mit dem Berufe des Prophetenthums". Keil. Op. cit. S.148.

46. Maybaum counts music, poetry, history and genealogy, and laws among the subjects studied.

47. M. Verzhbolovich. Cit. cit., p.264.

48. Ibid. P.265.

49. For details, see: Prof. A.P. Lebedev. Charismatic teachers of the early Church of the first and second centuries. Collected Church Historical Works. Vol.10. Moscow, 1905. P.326.

50. See. review by Prof. N.N. Glubokovsky: Tserkovnye vedomosti. 1908. №12. P.573574. Note.