«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Beloved in the Lord!

Be saved in the Lord and rejoice, for you will have many rewards in Heaven.

Reading your letters, and seeing in them the bodily illnesses and spiritual sufferings that you describe, I greatly regretted this in my heart, and prayed to the Lord God for your relief and healing from all sufferings. Meanwhile, I notice from your sufferings that the Lord is leading you to the Heavenly Kingdom by the path of the Saints, who also suffered in this life, and through their suffering and many sorrows have finally reached the Heavenly Kingdom; and now there they rest in their souls. And you, good mother, will certainly rejoice there in the Lordships of the saints; cast away only your weakness from you, murmuring, from which the cross of Christ will not be easier. I myself suffer greatly; for my strength has almost completely forsaken me, and there is no healing in my flesh; but I try to endure without complaint, because impatience will not make it easier for me. The ever-weak and unworthy Hegumen Anthony.

June 9, 1856

As for the book you are writing, do not deign to be anxious that it is being written slowly. I do not set any date, for there is something for me to read without it. And now, and while I am still writing, I have written one page, which you will also take the trouble to copy into a book at the end of all the articles; and forgive me for not belittling, but adding to your labors.

St. Ammon.

Question: Father, if anyone grows old in sins, who is not able to fast, and to be vigilant, and to work, and to live a cruel life, how can he be saved?

Answer: In the same way the publican was saved, as the prophet said: humble yourself, and the Lord will save me. For the sacrifice to God is a contrite and humble spirit, a contrite and humble heart God will not despise. In this way the poor, and the sick, and the aged, both the learned and the unlearned, can be saved.

From the questions of St. Athanasius of Alexandria.

For the brother came to the elder alone, and said to him: Father, the Lord said in the Holy Gospel: Fight against the man of his household. And who is the essence of such enemies? The elder answered: 1st gluttony, 2nd drinking, 3rd love of money, 4th covetousness, 5th arrogance, 6th disobedience, 7th disobedience, 8th condemnation of the brethren, 9th eyes of shame, 10th tongue of eloquence, 11th heart angry, 12th slander and lies, 13th insolence and laughter. These are the acts of unmercifulness against a man of his household.

Instructions of St. Isaac the Syrian.

At all times, think of yourself as knowing nothing. In every matter consider yourself poor to teach, and all your life you will prove wise.

Wherever you go, acknowledge yourself as a stranger, and you will be freed from liberty in your treatment.

With men wealth is honorable, but with God a humble soul is honorable.