24And I was blameless before him, and I was careful not to sin against me.

25And the Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my purity in his sight.

26Thou dost be merciful to the merciful, and sincerely to a sincere man,

27With the pure is pure, but with the wicked according to his wickedness.

28Thou hast saved the oppressed, and with Thy gaze thou hast humbled the haughty.

29You, O Lord, are my lamp; The Lord enlightens my darkness.

30With Thee I slay the army; with my God I ascend the wall.

31God! - His way is blameless, the word of the Lord is pure, He is a shield for all who trust in Him.

32For who is God but the Lord, and who is the protection but our God?

33God girds me with strength, and makes me the right way.

34He makes my feet like deer's, and sets me on high.

35He teaches my hands to fight, and he bends my muscles like a bow of brass.

36You give me the shield of your salvation, and your mercy magnifies me.

37Thou hast widened my pace beneath me, and my feet do not waver.

38I pursue my enemies and destroy them, and I do not return until I have destroyed them.

39I destroy them and smite them, and they do not get up, but fall under my feet.

40You gird me with strength for war, and you bring down before me those who rise up against me.

41You turn the rear of my enemies to me, and I destroy those who hate me.

42They cry out, but there is no one to save, to the Lord, but he will not hearken to them.

43I scatter them like the dust of the earth, I wash them like the dirt of the street, and I trample them down.

44Thou hast delivered me from the rebellion of my people; Thou hast preserved me, that I may be my head over the foreigners; a people I did not know serve me.