The Explanatory Orthodox Prayer Book

In Russian:

Angel of God, my holy guardian! Keep me from every evil temptation, so that I may not anger God with any sin, and pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His fear and present me, a servant, worthy of His mercy. Amen.

In this prayer, we ask the Guardian Angel to deliver us from all evil temptations and to pray to God for us.From whom are there nasty or evil temptations?

Troparion to the Cross and Prayer for the Fatherland

In Russian:

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless those who belong to Thee, helping Orthodox Christians to conquer their enemies and preserving Thy holy Church by the power of Thy Cross.

Property is the property of believers in Christ. Opponents are opponents, enemies. Living is a dwelling, a community, a Church.What kind of prayer is this?It is a troparion (praise) to the Cross and at the same time a prayer for the Fatherland.What do we ask God in this prayer?We ask that the Lord deliver us, Orthodox Christians, from troubles and misfortunes, grant us well-being in life, give us the strength to defeat all violators of the peace and security of the state, and protect us with His Cross.

Prayer for health and salvation of the living

In Russian:

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my parents (their names), brothers and sisters, and my relatives, and all my neighbors and friends, and give them Thy earthly and heavenly blessings.

Friends are friends. Peaceful - earthly. Premundane - heavenly, unearthly, supermundane. In this prayer we ask God for our parents, relatives and all our neighbors and friends for earthly and heavenly blessings, namely: health, strength of strength and eternal salvation.

Prayer for the departed

In Russian:

Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all their sins committed of their own free will and against their will, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.