The Explanatory Orthodox Prayer Book

Prayer for health and salvation of the living

In Russian:

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my parents (their names), brothers and sisters, and my relatives, and all my neighbors and friends, and give them Thy earthly and heavenly blessings.

Friends are friends. Peaceful - earthly. Premundane - heavenly, unearthly, supermundane. In this prayer we ask God for our parents, relatives and all our neighbors and friends for earthly and heavenly blessings, namely: health, strength of strength and eternal salvation.

Prayer for the departed

In Russian:

Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all their sins committed of their own free will and against their will, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Repose - place in a quiet place, i.e. together with the saints in an eternal blissful abode. The dead - those who have fallen asleep; this is how we call the dead, whose souls, having separated from their bodies, have transmigrated from this life to another, heavenly one, where they remain until the time of the general resurrection, which will be at the second coming of the Son of God. Voluntary sins are sins committed of one's own free will; involuntary - against one's will, under compulsion. Grant them the Kingdom of Heaven – eternal, blessed life with God.What do we pray to God for in this prayer? That He would settle our deceased relatives, neighbors and all Orthodox Christians together with the saints in the Kingdom of Heaven, where there is no suffering, but only one blessedness, forgiving them all their sins out of His ineffable mercy.

4. Prayers during the day

In Russian:

Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all their sins committed of their own free will and against their will, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Repose - place in a quiet place, i.e. together with the saints in an eternal blissful abode. The dead - those who have fallen asleep; this is how we call the dead, whose souls, having separated from their bodies, have transmigrated from this life to another, heavenly one, where they remain until the time of the general resurrection, which will be at the second coming of the Son of God. Voluntary sins are sins committed of one's own free will; involuntary - against one's will, under compulsion. Grant them the Kingdom of Heaven – eternal, blessed life with God.What do we pray to God for in this prayer? That He would settle our deceased relatives, neighbors and all Orthodox Christians together with the saints in the Kingdom of Heaven, where there is no suffering, but only one blessedness, forgiving them all their sins out of His ineffable mercy.

Prayer before teaching

In Russian: