The Explanatory Orthodox Prayer Book

What is the second commandment of God?An idol is an idol, in general, any thing or creature that people consider to be the true God. Every likeness is every image of earthly objects. Yelika - what. Woe is above. Bottom - bottom. Below - and not.What does God forbid by this commandment?Forbids to worship idols or any material images of an invented deity.What do the pagans worship?In the sky: the sun, the moon, the stars; on earth: animals, birds, plants; It is not a sin to bow to icons, or images, because when we pray before icons, we bow not to wood or paint, but to God depicted on the icon or to His saints, imagining them in our minds before us.

The Third Commandment of God

If you don't take it, don't take it, don't use it. By this commandment, God forbids the use of the name of God when it is not necessary, for example, in jokes, in empty conversations. The same commandment forbids:- blasphemy against God (the Jews blasphemed the Lord, saying that He casts out demons by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of demons: Matt. 12:24);- murmuring against Him (the Jews repeatedly murmured against God during their wandering in the Arabian desert: Num. II, 4-6);- lying under oath [1];- blasphemy (Belshazzar, the last king of Babylon, feasting with his nobles, drank wine from the sacred vessels of the temple of Solomon, stolen by Nebuchadnezzar; for this blasphemy he was killed the same night, and his kingdom was taken over by other nations);- godliness without need, and especially in unrighteousness, which constitutes a grave sin before God. When we pray, when we have pious conversations, when, at the request of our superiors, we swear, we take an oath, and in all these cases we must use the name of God with fear and reverence. ^

The Fourth Commandment of God

Saturday - rest, rest. The Sabbath day is a feast day. And so that. What does God command by this commandment?He commands us to work six days of the week, to attend to our own affairs, and to devote the seventh day to good deeds: to pray to God in church, to read spiritually useful books at home, to give alms, and so on.Which of the seven days should be devoted to good deeds?In the Old Testament, the feast day was Saturday, or that seventh day, into which God, after the creation of the world, rested from all his works; From the time of the resurrection of Christ, the Sabbath was replaced by Sunday, or the day on which Jesus Christ was resurrected.Besides Sundays, are there not other days that should be dedicated to God-pleasing deeds? [1]), the Baptism of the Lord (January 6), the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 6). Feasts of the Mother of God, for example, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (September 8), the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (August 15). Feasts in honor of saints, for example, the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24), the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29), the day of the chief apostles Peter and Paul (June 29).What else is commanded by the fourth commandment?It is commanded to observe fasts.What fasts are established by the Orthodox Church?Great Lent, or St. Forty Days, on which we usually fast, confess and commune. This fast was established in imitation of the forty-day fast of the Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness and was established in order for us to worthily meet the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. (It begins every year seven weeks before the feast of Easter and consists of 40 days and Holy Week.) The fast before the feast of the Nativity of Christ, or the Nativity Fast, or Philip's Fast. (It begins on November 15 - after the day of the Apostle Philip - and lasts 40 days until December 25, i.e. until the feast of the Nativity of Christ.) The Dormition Fast before the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (from the 1st to the 15th of August), otherwise known as the Lady. (It always begins a week after Trinity Day and lasts until June 29, the day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and therefore the duration of this fast depends on the time of Easter.) There are also one-day fasts, or fasting days, namely: the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross (September 14). Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29). Epiphany Eve (January 5). Wednesday and Friday of each week.Why is it proper to fast on Wednesday and Friday?On Wednesday - in memory of the betrayal of Jesus Christ to suffering, and on Friday in memory of His very suffering and death.Who sins against the fourth commandment of the Lord?He who spends weekdays in idleness, who spends Sundays and feast days in a non-Christian way, and who does not observe fasts. that is, according to the church calendar, which in our XX century "lags behind" the civil (modern) one by 13 days. ^

The Fifth Commandment of God

Honor - honor. Yes - so that. Good is good. Ti - to you. Long-lived is the one who lives many years.By this commandment God commands to honor one's parents.What does it mean to honor one's parents?It means to obey them, to help them in their labors and needs, to take care of them during their illness and old age, and to pray for the salvation of their souls.How was disrespect for one's parents once punished?Noah's son, Ham, laughed at his father, who slept naked in his vineyard; and his other sons, Shem and Japheth, covered his naked body with garments. Noah, waking up, learned of Ham's disrespectful act, cursed him, and prophetically said that his descendants would be slaves of the descendants of his brothers.Apart from his parents, who else is commanded to be honored by the fifth commandment?Those who in any case take the place of our parents, such as the Sovereign of their Fatherland, spiritual pastors, superiors, all benefactors in general, and elders.Which of them should be especially honored?The Emperor, because He is the father of the whole nation and the anointed of God. Fear God, honor the king (1 Pet. 2:17), says the Apostle Peter. The Lord Himself said: render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar (Matt. 22:21), i.e. what belongs to Caesar, or to the king, give to him: whatever duties you have to the Emperor, you must fulfill. And what can be said about those who do not fulfill their duties to the Emperor? They are guilty not only before the Emperor, but also before God, because if you resist the authorities, as the Word of God says, you resist God's command... for there is no authority except it be from God (Romans 13:1-2).

The Sixth Commandment of God

Do not kill - do not kill.What does God forbid by this commandment?He forbids to kill, i.e. to take a person's life.Is it a sin to punish a criminal with death according to the law and kill the enemy in war?Not a sin. The criminal is deprived of life in order to stop the great evil he is doing; the enemy is killed in war, because in war they fight for the Sovereign and the Fatherland.What other sins are forbidden by this commandment?It is forbidden to assist in killing in any way, for example, by order, advice, help; Everything that disturbs and shortens the life of one's neighbor, for example, anger, hatred, quarrels, is also forbidden.The same commandment prohibits temptation, when someone by his example or advice inclines another to unbelief or some kind of sin, which is called spiritual murder.What is commanded by the sixth commandment?It is commanded to protect the life of one's neighbor and always do him one good.

The Seventh Commandment of God

Thou shalt not commit adultery, but thou shalt not commit adultery.This commandment prohibits adultery, or criminal carnal love between a man and a woman. The same commandment forbids everything that inclines to this sin, for example, immoderate eating, drunkenness, shameless songs, reading bad books, and the like.

The Eighth Commandment of God

This commandment forbids theft, i.e. taking someone else's property in any illegal way. For example, he who steals, robs, withholds the wages of a worker, sins against this commandment; who receive payment for work, but do not work; Whoever takes someone else's by deception, cunning, for example, gives away a bad commodity instead of a good one, by means of an incorrect weight or measure, does not finish what is sold. (Gehazi, a servant of the prophet Elisha, deceived the Syrian commander Naaman for some money and clothing in the name of this prophet; for this offense he was stricken with leprosy, which had previously been on Naaman.) What should one be in order not to sin against the eighth commandment?One must be industrious, unselfish, merciful, truthful.The theft of a sacred and ecclesiastical thing is called sacrilege. ^

The Ninth Commandment of God