
And how great is the power and authority of God, you can judge for yourselves: to the queen's question addressed to the elder Jews: "Where did your ancestors hide the Cross of Christ?" they pointed out to her a certain old Jew Judas, who, in response to a repeated question, apparently against his will, led her to the place of the temple of Venus and said: "In this very place you will find the Cross of your Christ."

Judas betrayed Christ to the Cross, and three hundred years later another Judas contributed to the manifestation of the glory of Christ.

After the removal of the pagan temple, the search continued for a long time, and hopes were replaced by hopelessness, until the Lord Himself deigned to reveal to people the shrine resting in the ground. The fragrance of the Holy Spirit, which came from the earth, put an end to the search.

But again the pious seekers were perplexed. Instead of the one coveted Cross, they found three, and they were exactly the same. A tablet with an inscription, which was once on the Cross of the Savior, was found later and in another place.

Saint Macarius, who together with Empress Helena led the search, exclaimed: "If God's Providence did not deign to leave the Cross of the Lord in the ground forever, then will it allow it to remain in obscurity? Will He allow us to honor the cross of the thief instead of the Cross of the Lord? God Himself will show us the Cross of our Saviour."

All three crosses were brought into the house of a pious woman lying on her deathbed. After fervent prayer, the saint in turn placed the crosses on the dying woman. And only by the touch of the latter did the power of life enter the sick woman.

Those present at the miracle unanimously gave glory to the Cross of the Lord. But even this certificate was not enough for the glory of the Life-Giving Cross Tree. It pleased God's Providence that the glory of the Cross of the Lord should shine forth even to those who did not wish to acknowledge it, so that by the power of the Venerable Tree the unbelief and enemies of the Cross of the Lord might be crushed.