Theoretical pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutionsin 2 parts, part 1

4. The principle of "a stone thrown into the water", which means that each child must be "thrown", like a stone into the water, into business, into creativity, so that the circles of effectiveness go, creative traces appear.

5. The principle of reliance on the positive in the child. Quality leisure in itself encourages and often "rehabilitates" the child, and at the same time, it is in the sphere of leisure that it is necessary to rely on any positive sprouts in the child, since such support inspires and inspires self-confidence.

1. 5. Conditions conducive to the organization of effective leisure activities

Let us single out a number of conditions, the observance of which will significantly contribute to the effectiveness of work in the organization of children's leisure.

1. The composition of children of different ages, since it is in such a community that there are richer forms of relationships, more diverse interpersonal ties and contacts. Here it is easier to transfer and assimilate experience, and a certain nepotism arises. Therefore, it is advisable to involve brothers and sisters, high school bosses, guests in the educational activities carried out in the classroom, in general, it is necessary to make all class leisure activities literally open, where the entrance will be free for all those interested;

2. Culture of leisure or cultural content of leisure activities, culture of communication between children and adults. Leisure is always extremely emotional, and, therefore, stimulates extreme forms of behavior: excitement, excitement, affect, bitterness, resentment, etc. For example, the culture of "cheering" of fans in sports, in collective games, is very low. Here it is necessary to teach children to adequately assess the victory of the opponent, to adequately experience the defeat of "their own", that is, to ensure the "moral neatness" of leisure activities;

3. Creation of a conflict-free environment as a guarantee of creative growth of children. What relieves conflict? Respect, patient attitude to the leisure preferences of children and, as a result, the presence of a choice of leisure activities in which everyone will find themselves. Conflicts on the basis of lack of demand, endless prohibitions, shameless interference in the personal world of children should be minimized;

4. The presence of its own leisure base, a "dowry" educator. These can be:

a) a library of fiction or a catalog of cards of the "golden fund" of literature;

b) a library of working literature: encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, methodological literature;

c) sound library;

d) a film library with a selection of feature films and documentaries;

e) an art library with a selection of paintings, reproductions;

f) photo library (photographs, thematic photo albums);