Theoretical pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutionsin 2 parts, part 1

2. 1. Functions of the class teacher

The pedagogical expediency of introducing the position of a class teacher in schools was realized historically. In Russian gymnasiums and other secondary educational institutions, from the 60s of the 19th century until 1917, there was a position of a class teacher. Attempts to abolish this position in the Soviet school in the 20s did not justify themselves, and in the mid-30s it was restored first under the name of group leader, and then, when the groups were renamed classes, the class teacher. The activities of class teachers at school are regulated by a special regulation, which defines their main functions, namely:

¤ cognitive-diagnostic, associated with the need to study the features of the development and behavior of schoolchildren in order to carry out educational work more successfully on this basis;

• organizational, consisting in involving students in various types and forms of extracurricular work;

¤ unifying, consisting in uniting students, forming a moral microclimate, preventing the appearance of groups with a negative orientation in the class;

• coordinating, consisting in constant maintaining contacts with subject teachers, as well as with the parents of students, involving them in joint educational activities with the school;

¤ personal development, related to the manifestation of care for the education of students, with the development of their abilities and creative inclinations.

2. 2. Responsibilities of the class teacher

The regulations on the activities of the class teacher at school also define his main responsibilities. Among them:

¤ comprehensive study of students;

¤ explanation and implementation of the rules of conduct;

¤ monitoring the progress of students;

¤ analysis of positive aspects in the life and activities of the class and the implementation of measures to improve them;

¤ organization and education of the student collective;