Theoretical pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutionsin 2 parts, part 1

¤ Various methods of experimental study of students.

2. 4. The work of the class teacher on the creation and education of the student team

The creation of a student team should begin with getting to know the students. Starting to work with the class, it is necessary to get acquainted with the personal files of students, talk with teachers, analyze the progress of students, and determine the most important approaches to the organization of educational work.

Next, it is necessary to familiarize students from the first day of classes with the rules and norms of behavior in lessons and breaks, and then tactfully teach them to comply with these rules.

It is of great importance to appoint those responsible for individual areas of work, to assist them in performing the duties assigned to them.

It is important to stimulate students to various types of joint activities: pilgrimages, excursions, hikes, "poetry hours" and much more. All this expands the scope of students' activities, causes joyful experiences, encourages the implementation of new joint activities. Meaningful extracurricular work creates the basis for the accumulation of positive traditions in the classroom, which in turn enriches the life of the team and creates prerequisites for its consolidation. Carrying out such cultural, artistic, aesthetic, ethnographic, etc. activities significantly affects the education of students

2. 5. The work of the class teacher to improve the progress of students and the organization of their work

The class teacher is not directly responsible for the academic performance in those subjects taught by other teachers. But he has the duty to stimulate the educational work of students. To do this, it is advisable to use various forms of explanatory work, including the rules for doing homework. The task of the class teacher is to notice in time the weakening of the efforts of individual students in educational work, to identify its causes and to provide all possible assistance.

Also, one of the areas of work of the class teacher is the organization of students' work. To do this, he needs to think over the system of labor affairs and activities of his students, starting with self-service work and up to their inclusion in socially useful activities.

2. 6. Деятельность классного руководителя по координации воспитательной работы учителей и родителей

Классному руководителю необходимо поддерживать доброжелательные отношения и деловые связи между учителями-предметниками и родителями, тактично координировать их воспитательную работу.

По отношению к учителям эта работа включает в себя:

¤ ознакомление их с особенностями физического и нервно-психического развития учащихся;

¤ ознакомление с характером воспитания в семье;