Interpretation of the Gospel

CHAPTER 46. The Lord's appearance to the disciples on their way to Emmaus. His appearance to the ten Apostles. A secondary appearance to them and Thomas

CHAPTER 47. The appearance of Christ to the Apostles in Galilee. Ascension of the Lord

CHAPTER 48. What do you think of Christ?

CHAPTER 48. What do you think of Christ?


2. At what hour was Jesus Christ crucified?

Information about the original source

Response of St. John of Kronstadt to the book "Interpretation of the Gospel" by B. I. Gladkov

January 18. 1903

Beloved in Christ, Brother Boris Ilyich!

With the greatest interest I have read both your preface to the highly venerable work of explanation of the Gospel, and fragments of the explanation. The former time of your error and the state of spiritual dissatisfaction and longing for the truth of God served to an amazing refinement of your logical, philosophical mind and to the purification of the heart eye, to the most subtle distinctness and clarity in judgments and matters concerning faith. I received great spiritual satisfaction from reading your explanation.

Your sincere admirer, Archpriest John Sergiev

Preface to the First Edition

The inquisitive mind of a person who wants to consciously relate to himself and to the world around him has always asked himself the questions: where does this world come from? Who controls it? What is man? Why does he live and how should he live?.. But all attempts to solve these questions have ended and are ending in complete failure, and the striving for truth still remains unsatisfied in anyone who does not turn to the only source of truth – the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ – for their solution.

It is sad that many of the educated people of our century, knowing the names of almost all the pagan gods and the scandalous tales about their love affairs, knowing the life and deeds of the kings and philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome, getting acquainted with a special love for the fruits of foreign atheistic literature, do not know the Gospel, do not bother to read it consciously.

As if to justify their inattention and indifference to the Gospel, such people often say that it contains only an ideal to which one should strive, but an unattainable ideal, since the means proposed for this are beyond the power of man, and that in general much in it is vague and incomprehensible.