Interpretation of the Gospel

Having admitted that Jesus Christ could not consciously tell a lie, I had to admit that He could not have been mistaken, since error is the consequence of a frivolous attitude to the investigation of the truth, and light-mindedness is not characteristic of Him.

And if He could not consciously tell a lie, could not be mistaken, then how could He know all that He was talking about?


But all these are secrets that no man, no matter how brilliant he may be, could reveal on his own. They could not have been known to Christ as a man. Declaring them to people as the will of His Father, Who sent Him into the world, He said:

He who sent Me is true, and whatsoever I have heard from Him, that I also say to the world (John 8:26); and in his farewell conversation with the Apostles he said:

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me; but if not, believe Me according to your very works (John 14:11).

So Jesus says that everything He taught was told to Him by God Himself, and that as He is in God, so is God in Him.

Having thus reached a person inaccessible to the mind, I thought thus: "Jesus Christ, as the Witness of the truth, can either be fully believed, or not believed at all; There can be no middle ground. But since the unconditionally truthful in all things, sinless and omnipotent, resurrected and ascended Jesus cannot be considered an unreliable Witness, cannot be considered only a Man, then there is only one way out: to believe Him unconditionally in everything, and therefore to believe that He is in God and God in Him, that is, that He is the God-Man." And I believed it.

Тут окончился путь исследования, и я вступил в область давно утраченной мною веры; я пристал к тому тихому берегу, от которого был оторван волной атеизма; я познал смысл жизни; я нашел раскрытой ту дверь, в которую тщетно стучался; я понял глубочайший смысл слов -

придите ко Мне все труждающиеся и обремененные... и найдете покой душам вашим (Мф. 11, 28-29). Я пришел ко Христу и нашел ответ на все мучившие меня вопросы, нашел и душевный покой.