Interpretation of the Gospel

CHAPTER 4. John the Baptist and His Preaching

CHAPTER 5. The Baptism of Jesus. Temptation

CHAPTER 6. Embassy of the Sanhedrin. John's Testimony of Jesus. The calling of the first disciples. Return to Galilee. Genealogy of Jesus.

Chapter 7. Jesus' journey to Jerusalem. Expulsion of merchants from the temple. Conversation with Nicodemus. John's Last Testimony of Jesus

CHAPTER 8. The arrest of John. Jesus' departure from Judea. His conversation with the Samaritan woman.

CHAPTER 9. The Healing of the Courtier's Son. A wonderful catch of fish. Healing of the possessed. The healing of Simon-Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus in Nazareth. Healing of the paralytic. The Calling of the Publican Matthew

CHAPTER 10. Second Easter. Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. Healing of the paralytic.

CHAPTER 11. Jesus' return to Galilee. Healing of the withered hand. Teaching on the meaning of the Sabbath

CHAPTER 12. The Election of the Twelve Apostles. Sermon on the Mount

CHAPTER 13. The Healing of the Leper. The Healing of the Servant of the Capernaum Centurion. Christ in the house of Simon the Pharisee.

CHAPTER 14. Teachings in Parables

CHAPTER 15. Answers to the scribe and the two disciples. Calming the Storm. The Healing of the Possessed in the Land of the Gadarenes. Healing of the bleeding woman. The resurrection of Jairus' daughter. The healing of two blind men and a dumb demoniac man. Resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain

CHAPTER 16. Embassy from John. Jesus' response to the messengers. His speech to the people about John and the Jews. Reproach to the cities of Galilee. Glorification of God the Father. The Vocation of the Working and Burdened

CHAPTER 17. Sending the Apostles to preach and instruct them