Interpretation of the Gospel

His wisdom and the words of grace that proceeded from His mouth, and, as the Evangelist Luke says, all testified to Him that this scripture which they had heard was indeed fulfilled today. But among those in the synagogue there were, undoubtedly, Pharisees and scribes in general, learned Jews. They expected in the person of the Messiah an earthly conquering king and were sure that this king, having founded his kingdom, would put the Pharisees and scribes at the head of the government and subjugate the conquered peoples to them. This conviction was so strong, so already absorbed into their flesh and blood, moreover, it promised them such honors and earthly blisses, that it was unpleasant and therefore difficult for them to renounce it. Meanwhile, Jesus speaks of the kingdom of the poor, of repentant sinners, of love for one's neighbors, that is, for all people, and not only for the Jews, and says nothing about them, the Pharisees, about their participation in the Kingdom of the Messiah; so what kind of Messiah is this? «

Is this not Joseph's son? (Luke 4:22).

Is He not a carpenter? (Mark 6:3). From whence the Messiah will come, no one will know; and we know that Jesus lived in Nazareth, among us; we know His Mother, His brothers and sisters; therefore He cannot be the Messiah." That was the reasoning of the leaders of the Jewish people.

(For the fact that Jesus' so-called brothers and sisters were not really His siblings, see chapter 7 above.)

И соблазнились о Нем (Мк. 6, 3). Соблазнились, конечно, не фарисеи и вожди народные; соблазниться — значит поколебаться в вере, а они и не начинали верить в Иисуса. Соблазнились те из бывших в синагоге, которые уже засвидетельствовали Иисусу, что ныне исполнилось слышанное ими Писание пророка Исайи, которые удивлялись Его премудрости и благодати Его учения. Слова фарисеев —

не Иосифов ли это сын? (Лк. 4, 22),

не плотник ли Он, сын Марии, брат Иакова, Иосии, Иуды и Симона? (Мк. 6, 3) — подействовали и на них; и они усомнились в том, чтобы их согражданин мог быть Мессией.