Interpretation of the Gospel

And... came to the land of Gennesaret (Matt. 14:34). The land of Gennesaret was the name given to the plain adjacent to the northwestern shore of the Lake of Gennesaret or the Sea of Galilee, on which the cities of Capernaum and Bethsaida were located. At what point in this plain Jesus and the Apostles landed on the shore is unknown; it was probably not very far from Capernaum, since Jesus was in that city that same day. As soon as Jesus came ashore, he was immediately surrounded by the inhabitants of the place; they recognized Him, hastened to announce it in all the surrounding villages, and brought to Him all the sick. The belief in the miraculous power of Jesus was already so widespread throughout Galilee that the inhabitants of the place where he landed asked only to allow the sick to touch his garment,

and those who touched were healed (Matt. 14:36); they were healed, of course, not only by touch, but by their faith and the will of Him Whom they touched.

Returning to Capernaum Wonderfully Filled in the Wilderness

A crowd of thousands of people, miraculously filled and then calmed by Jesus, remained overnight on the same deserted shore where this miracle took place. Everyone saw that there was only one boat near the shore, and that Jesus' disciples entered this boat and sailed away, and Jesus, without even entering it, went to the mountain. The next morning they apparently searched for Jesus, but they did not find him; Nor were His disciples there. Meanwhile, in full view of them, boats came from Tiberias, a city on the western shore of the lake. On these boats many, if not all, went to Capernaum and, having arrived there, began to look for Jesus there as well. They found Him and were so amazed that they asked:

Rabbi! when did you come here? In this question, another is heard:

How did You come here? They guessed that He could not have reached Capernaum by ordinary means of transportation; they challenged Jesus to be frank with this question, but He left their question unanswered.

Understanding perfectly well the mood of the crowd seeking Him, Jesus said: "