«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

– Geronda, today we are going through difficult times, so some young men and women do not dare to start a family.

– No, this is the wrong way to put the question. If they have trust in Christ, they have nothing to fear. And the years of persecution? Were they light? But did Christians stop marrying and starting families in those days? [On the contrary -] how many saints are there in our Church who have been martyred together with their children and spouses!

Young people's studies and embarking on their chosen path

"Geronda, many young men and women, not having decided which path in life they will choose, cannot study properly. This question constantly worries them, and they cannot concentrate on their studies.

"When a young man has such problems, I tell him this: "Have you ever seen large modern refrigerators? Well, put your problems in such a refrigerator, and let them lie there until you finish your studies. I'm not saying that you don't think about what's bothering you at all. No, put it all in the fridge until you get an education. If now you are inattentive to your education, to your studies, then your friends, having studied, found their place in life and calmed down, will then pray the rosary so that you will find your place in life." Young people must be very attentive, because such anxiety is a trick of the enemy, with the help of which he confuses them and distracts their attention.

– Geronda, I advised one girl: "If you are thinking of getting married, then you don't need to study."

"But until she gets married, what do you want her to do?" Sell caramel? Let her better graduate from a higher educational institution or acquire some specialty, because if something unforeseen happens in her life, the acquired knowledge or profession may be useful to her. A girl once said to me, "I'm thinking about becoming a monk, but I'm constantly changing my mind." "In the second grade of the Lyceum," she answered, "but I don't want to go any further." - "Don't you want to study? "Then I'll tell your father to buy you goats, a shepherd's dog, and a pipe." The dog will guard the herd, and you will play the pipe and graze it. Well, do you like it? Here's the thing: let's try to get a higher education or acquire some practical specialty." "Then, Geronda," she answered, "let me, until I decide whether to go to a monastery or to get married, I will live in the monastery as a candidate for novice, in order to learn the art of humility." "Well," I answered, "you can learn this art at home, if you will gladly accept what your relatives tell you. So let's do it this way: first you graduate from school, then you pass the university exams, and when you graduate, we'll see what you do next." - "Isn't five years, Geronda," she answered, "too long?" - "A lot," I said, "but what is left to do, since you have not yet come to a final decision?" - "Am I to blame for this myself because of my inconstancy?" - she asked. "No," I say, "but your [spiritual] scales do not yet tip in either direction."