Conciliar Epistles

An Example of the Lord's Suffering 2:21–25

Calling for the patient endurance of unjust suffering, the Apostle points to the example of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself (verses 20-25), and exhorts Christians to "follow in His footsteps," that is, to imitate Him in patiently enduring suffering. Approaching Him, a living stone, rejected by men, but chosen by God, precious. ^ Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I lay a stone for the foundation of Zion, a tried stone, a cornerstone, precious, firmly established: he that believeth in it shall not be ashamed. ^ Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures, that the stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner?" Is this from the Lord, and is it wondrous in our eyes? ^ Therefore, if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will be my inheritance among all the nations, for all the earth is mine, and you will be with me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation; these are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. ^ And to Him who made us kings and priests unto His God and Father, glory and dominion for ever and ever, Amen. ^ And I will sow it for myself on the earth, and I will have mercy on the Unmerciful, and I will not say to my people, 'You are my people,' but they will say, 'You are my God!' ^

Chapter Three

Moral Instruction to Women 3:1-6

The Apostle gives moral instruction to wives, husbands, and all Christians. He commands wives to obey their husbands. This refers especially to Christian wives who were married to Jewish or pagan husbands who did not accept the Christian faith. The Apostle with special care warns such wives against such temptation and inspires them to obey their own husbands, even if they are unbelievers, pointing out the high purpose of this: "That those of them who do not obey the word may be gained by the life of their wives without a word." The Apostle inspires that the true adornment of a Christian woman consists not in external headdresses, but in the inner beauty of "a meek and silent spirit, which is precious in the sight of God" (v. 4). The difficult situation of women, both in the ancient pagan world and among the Jews, prompts the Apostle to give instructions to the husband regarding his wife, so that the instruction about the obedience of the wife would not give the husband a reason to abuse his headship in the family.

Admonitions to Husbands and All Christians 3:7-17

The husband should treat his wife with care, as if she were "a weaker vessel" (vv. 5-7). Further, the Apostle gives moral instructions to all Christians in general, inspiring them to rejoice if they suffer for the truth, for "Christ ... He suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, being put to death according to the flesh, but made alive by the Spirit: by whom also to the spirits in prison He went down and preached" (vv. 8-19).

Christ Who Suffered, Descended into Hades, Rose and Ascended 3:18-22

By this "prison," as the Greek word used here indicates, we must understand Hell, or "Sheol," the place where, according to the belief of the Jews, all the souls of people who died before the coming of the Messiah descended. This is a place in the underworld, that is, "under the earth" or "inside the earth" – i.e. in a "place" gloomy and cramped. It is not hell in the Christian sense of the word, as a place of eternal torment for sinners, but nevertheless, as its name indicates, a place that is embarrassing for the soul of the dead, unpleasant, undesirable. Such was this place before the coming of Christ for all people who died in the Old Testament, although, apparently, there were still different degrees, depending on the impiety or righteousness of the dead. Into this "prison" the Lord descended to preach about the salvation of mankind accomplished by Him. This was the calling of all those who had died before Christ and whose souls were in Sheol to enter the Kingdom of Christ, and those who repented and believed were undoubtedly freed from the place of their imprisonment and led into the paradise opened by the Resurrection of Christ, the place of the blessedness of the righteous. "Once disobedient" means that the preaching of Christ the Savior was also addressed to the most stubborn sinners, as an example of whom the Apostle sets up Noah's contemporaries, who perished from the flood.From 4:6 we can conclude that of these were also those who were saved by the preaching of Christ in hell: "For for this reason it was preached also to the dead, that they, having been judged according to man in the flesh (that is, perishing in the waters of the flood), they henceforth lived (in the Heavenly world) according to God in spirit."By this the Apostle also emphasizes that the preaching of Christ was addressed to all people without exception, not excluding the pagans and moreover the most sinful of them (19-20) [2]. From the thought of the flood and of those saved in the ark in verse 20, the Apostle passes on to the sacrament of baptism, the prototype of which was the universal flood.In verse 21, the Apostle defines the essence of baptism. It is not a "washing away of bodily impurity," like, for example, the numerous ritual Jewish washings, which, while cleansing only the body, did not in the least touch the impurities of the soul: it is "a promise to God of a good conscience." These words do not mean, of course, that a good conscience is only promised in the future. It is in baptism itself that the soul of the believer is purified, because it is further said that "baptism saves through the resurrection of Christ" (21). The Apostle points out here only the need for the baptized to decide to begin a new life according to his conscience. So Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him master. You are her children, if you do good and are not troubled by any fear. ^ To whom He also came down and preached to the spirits in prison, once disobedient to the long-suffering of God that awaited them, in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark, in which few, that is, eight souls, were saved from the water. ^

Chapter Four

Admonitions to Christians 4:1-11

The entire fourth chapter is devoted to moral instruction. These instructions are based on the thought of the sufferings of Christ." As Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same thought; for he who suffers in the flesh ceases to sin" (v. 1). This whole chapter is permeated with the thought of patiently enduring persecution for the faith and of the need to overcome the evil attitude of the enemies of the faith by a virtuous life." He who suffers in the flesh ceases to sin" – bodily sufferings, whether they are from voluntary feats and labors or whether they are from involuntary suffering, for example, from illness or external oppression – weaken the passions. At the same time, the same idea is expressed here as in the 6th chapter of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Romans: that he who is crucified with Christ and as if died with Him dies to sin and comes to life to God. The Apostle urges Christians not to be embarrassed by the fact that the pagans are reviling them for the radical change in their lives, reminding them that they will be judged by God for their debauchery (2-6) [1]." The end of everything is near" in the sense that Christians must always be ready for the coming of Christ. From this the Apostle deduces the necessity for Christians of a virtuous life and gives a number of instructions, placing love at the head of everything, because "love covers a multitude of sins" (v. 8), as the holy Apostle James teaches about this.

On Innocent Suffering 4:12-19

Chapter 4 ends with an exhortation to the martyrs: "Of the fiery temptation... do not shy away" (12). Christians should fearlessly confess their faith, not fearing backbiting and suffering, but glorify God for their fate (13-19) [2]. In a similar way, the Apostle Paul encouraged Christians who were persecuted for their faith: "Do not be afraid of adversaries in any way: this is for them an omen of destruction, but for you salvation. And this is of God, because it has been given to you for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him" (Phil. 1:29). that the rest of the time in the flesh may no longer live according to human lusts, but according to the will of God. For it is enough that in the past time of your life you have walked according to the will of the heathen, giving yourselves up to uncleanness, lusts (sodomy, bestiality, thoughts), drunkenness, excess in food and drink, and foolish idolatry; wherefore they are amazed that you do not share with them in the same debauchery, and they curse you. They will give an answer to Him who is soon to judge the living and the dead. For for this reason the gospel was preached also to the dead, that they, having been judged according to man in the flesh, should live according to God in the spirit. ^ but as ye participate in the sufferings of Christ, rejoice, that ye may also rejoice and triumph in the appearing of His glory. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, then you are blessed, for the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of God, rests upon you. By them He is blasphemed, but by you He is glorified. If only one of you may not suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evildoer, or as an encroacher on another's property; and if you are a Christian, then do not be ashamed, but glorify God for such a fate. For it is time for judgment to begin with the house of God; but if it begins with us first, what is the end of those who disobey the Gospel of God? And if the righteous are scarcely saved, where will the wicked and sinful appear? Therefore, let those who suffer according to the will of God give up their souls to Him, as to the faithful Creator, doing good. ^