Conciliar Epistles

The first chapter can be called instructive, the second – warning, and the third – prophetic.

Chapter One

Inscription and salutation 1:1-2

The Epistle begins, as usual, with an inscription in which the author of the Epistle calls himself "Simon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ," and exalts his readers to himself as having "received" with him "an equally precious faith." However, it is possible that by this expression the Apostle only wanted to emphasize that Jewish Christians do not have an advantage over Gentile Christians, that the faith of both is equally precious in the eyes of God. In verse 2 he expresses the wish: "Grace to you and peace abound in the knowledge of God, and Christ Jesus our Lord" — by this he seems to want to say that the abundance of grace and peace depends on the knowledge of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: the greater and deeper this knowledge, the more abundant grace-filled gifts we receive.

Ascending by virtue 1:3-9

Further, the Apostle describes the steps of active ascent to the summit of Christian perfection.At the foundation of this ladder the Apostle places faith and points out that with faith must be connected efforts to prove its truth by virtues, which lead gradually to the summit of Christian perfection – to love (vv. 3-8). it must certainly manifest itself at every virtue prudenceBut every matter requires prudence. One must consider one's own strength, time and circumstances, otherwise, with unreasonable zeal, one can do more harm than good. You need to be strict with yourself.patience in abstinenceThe path of abstinence requires constancy and patience. It's easy to get carried away with something for a short time. God wants us to be strengthened in our good patience pietyIn the course of labors and feats, dryness, severity and isolation often arise. It is necessary to fight these feelings. The purpose of podvig is not in themselves, but in the correction of the piety brotherly loveA distinctive feature of true piety is a benevolent and affectionate attitude towards one's neighbors. We must learn to have compassion for people and "bear the burdens" of the brotherly loveThe ultimate goal is love from a pure heart. It is this that likens us to God and brings us closer to Him.Whoever is frozen in his self-righteousness and careless about the multiplication of the fruits of faith is blind (v. 9).

Persuasion of Firmness by Pointing to End 1:10–15

Having proposed the ladder of Christian perfection, the Apostle Peter urges us to climb it continuously: "Strive to make sure of your calling and election" (v. 10).

The Transfiguration of Christ 1:16-18

Апостол увещевает и после его отшествия вспоминать его наставления, ибо он учил их не бездоказательно, а как очевидец — свидетель славы Божественного Учителя Иисуса Христа, которой он удостоился быть зрителем на Фаворе во время Преображения (ст. 10-18).А если и этого недостаточно, то "мы имеем вернейшее слово пророков", которые за долгое время предсказали все то, что мы видели и слышали и чему вас научили (ст. 19). Апостол указывает руководствоваться этим пророческим словом, которое сияет, как яркий светильник в непросвещенном еще светом учения Христова человеческом сердце, до тех пор, "доколе не начнет рассветать день и не взойдет утренняя звезда в сердцах ваших". Сказанное выше — прекрасный образ просвещения человеческой души, разбуженной от греховного сна светом Христова учения.

Ветхозаветное пророчество 1:19-21

"Ибо никогда пророчество не было произносимо по воле человеческой, но изрекали его святые Божии человеки, будучи движимы Духом Святым" — свидетельство Богодухновенности пророческих писаний.

Вторая глава

Лжепророки и лжеучители 2:1-3