The Psalter of David

33 Царства земные! пойте Богу, воспевайте Господа,

34 шествующего на небесах небес от века. Вот, Он дает гласу Своему глас силы.

35 Воздайте славу Богу! величие Его - над Израилем, и могущество Его - на облаках.

36 Страшен Ты, Боже, во святилище Твоем. Бог Израилев - Он дает силу и крепость народу [Своему]. Благословен Бог!

Псалом 68

1 Начальнику хора. На Шошанниме. Псалом Давида.

2 Спаси меня, Боже, ибо воды дошли до души [моей].

3 I am mired in a deep swamp, and there is nothing to stand on; I have entered into the depths of the waters, and their swift current draws me away.

4 I am faint with crying, my throat is withered, my eyes are weary because I am waiting for God.

5 There are more haters who hate me without guilt than a hair on my head; My enemies, who persecute me unjustly, have become stronger; what I did not take away, I must give.

6 God! Thou knowest my folly, and my sins are not hidden from thee.

7 Let not all in me be ashamed, O Lord, God of hosts. Let not those who seek thee in me, O God of Israel, be put to shame;

8 For for thy sake I bear reproach, and with disgrace they cover my face.

9 I have become a stranger to my brethren, and a stranger to my mother's sons;

10 For zeal for thy house devours me, and the reproaches of those who curse thee fall upon me;

11 And I weep, fasting in my soul, and these things are reproached to me;

12 And I put sackcloth on me instead of a garment, and I am made a parable to them.

13 Those who sit at the gate speak of me, and those who drink wine sing in song.

14 But I pray unto thee, O Lord; in the time of pleasure, O God, according to Thy great goodness, hear me in the truth of Thy salvation;

15 Take me out of the slime, that I may not be drowned; that I may be delivered from those who hate me, and from the deep waters;

16 Let not the rush of the waters carry me away, let not the deep swallow me up, let not the gulf of its mouth shut over me.

17 Hear me, O Lord, for thy mercy is good; according to the multitude of Thy mercies, look upon me;

18 Hide not thy face from thy servant, for I am grieved. hear me quickly;

19 draw near to my soul, deliver it; For the sake of my enemies, save me.

20 Thou knowest my reproach, my shame, and my shame: my enemies are all before thee.

21 Reproach has broken my heart, and I am faint, I have waited for compassion, but there is none, comforters, but I do not find.

22 And they gave me gall to eat, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

23 Let their table be a snare for them, and their peaceful feast a snare;