The Psalter of David

Psalm 70

1 In thee, O Lord, I trust, that I may never be ashamed.

2 In thy righteousness deliver me, and set me free; incline thy ear unto me, and save me.

3 Be I a firm refuge where I may always take refuge; Thou hast commanded me to be saved, for thou art my stronghold and my fortress.

4 My God! deliver me out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the wicked, and out of the hand of the wicked, and of the oppressor;

5 For thou art my hope, O Lord God, my hope from my youth.

6 In thee have I rested from the womb; Thou hast brought me out of my mother's womb; My praise shall not cease unto thee.

7 To many I have been as a wonder, but thou art my sure hope.

8 Let my lips be filled with praise, Thy splendor all the day.

9 Cast me not away in my old age; When my strength fails, forsake me not;

10 For my enemies speak against me, and they that lie in wait for my soul take counsel among themselves,

11 saying, "God has forsaken him; pursue him and seize him, for there is no one who delivers."

12 God! do not depart from me; My god! Hurry to help me.

13 Let those who are enemies against my soul be ashamed and perish, let them be covered with shame and disgrace who seek evil against me.

14 But I will always trust in you, and increase all praise to you.

15 My mouth shall declare thy righteousness, thy good deeds all the day; for I know not their number.

16 I will enter into meditation on the powers of the Lord God; I will remember Thy righteousness, Thine alone.

17 God! Thou hast instructed me from my youth, and to this day I declare Thy wonders.

18 And leave me not, O God, until old age and gray hair, until I declare thy power unto this generation, and unto all those who come thy might.

19 Thy righteousness, O God, unto the exalted; great works Thou hast done; God, who is like Thee?

20 Thou hast sent upon me many and cruel troubles, but again hast quickened me, and brought me forth again out of the depths of the earth.