Catechetical and Secret Teachings

25. By the same power of the Holy Spirit, Philip, in the name of Christ, once in the City of Samaria cast out unclean spirits, which went forth with a great cry, healed the paralytic and the lame, and brought a multitude of the people who believed to Christ: and Peter and John, when they had arrived, with prayer and the laying on of hands, communicated to these believers the Holy Spirit, Whom Simon the sorcerer alone is justly honored as unworthy: but never did the same Philip, being called on the way by an angel of the Lord to convert the most reverent Eunuch of Ethiopia, and having clearly heard from the Spirit himself: "Come and cleave unto this chariot" (Acts 8:29), taught the Ethiopian and sent a preacher of Christ to Ethiopia, as it is written: "Ethiopia shall go before her hand to God" (Psalm 67:32), and having been taken by an angel; preached the Gospel in other cities.

26. Paul was filled with this Holy Spirit after he had been called by our Lord Jesus Christ: the witness of this is the pious Ananias in Damascus, who said to him, "The Lord Jesus, thou hast appeared on the way, whom thou hast come, sending me, that thou mayest see, and be filled with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 9:17).

But enough about him now.

27. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the supreme Apostle and having the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, Peter, in Lydda, which is now Diospolis, healed the paralytic Aeneas, in Joppa raised the virtuous Tabitha from the dead; In the upper part of the house in a frenzy he saw the heavens opened, and through the vessel descending from there, like a shroud, full of manifold and heterogeneous animals, he clearly learned not to consider any man unclean or filthy, even though he be a Greek, and when he was called by Cornelius, he clearly heard from the same Holy Spirit: "Behold, men seek thee: but arise down, and go with them, reasoning nothing, as if I were their ambassadors (Acts 10:19, 20). And in order to make it clear that even the Gentiles can be partakers of the grace of the Holy Spirit, when Peter came to Caesarea and taught about Christ, the Scriptures speak of Cornelius and those who were with him: "Yet I said these words to Peter, the Holy Spirit fell upon all that heard the word" (44), so that even of the circumcised those who came with Peter were amazed and terrified, saying: for the gift of the Holy Spirit is upon tongues (45).

28. And when the preaching of Christ began to spread in Antioch, the glorious city of Syria, Barnabas was sent to it from here, a good helper, a good man, and filled with the Holy Spirit and faith (Acts 11:24). He, seeing the many harvests of believers in Christ, brought the companion Paul from Tarsus to Antioch. And since the multitude of the people in the church were taught and gathered, it was first to be called the disciples of the Christians (26). I believe that this new name, long foretold by the Lord, was given to believers by the Holy Spirit. When great grace was poured out from God on Antioch, there appeared the Prophets and Teachers, among others Agabus. And to those who serve the Lord and fast, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart Barnabas and Saul for work, where I have called them" (Acts 13:2). And after the laying on of hands upon them, they were sent from the Holy Ghost. Thus, it is evident that the Holy Spirit, Who speaks and sends, is living, self-existent, and active, as we have said above.

29. This Holy Spirit, together with the Father and the Son, having established the New Covenant in the universal Church, has freed us from the heavy burden of law: I mean here the decrees concerning clean and unclean foods, the Sabbath and the New Moon, circumcision, sprinklings and sacrifices; for all of them, being given for a time, had the shadow of good things to come (Heb. 10:1); when the thing itself is revealed, they are justly abandoned. For when, because of a dispute that had arisen from those who asserted that it was proper to circumcise and observe the ceremonies of Moses, Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem; then the Apostles, who were here, by their written epistle freed the whole universe from all that is lawful and pro-educational. However, they did not arrogate to themselves the right to dispose of such an important matter, but in the written Epistle they confess: "It has pleased the Holy Spirit and us, to lay upon you no more burdens, except these things that are necessary: to be protected from things sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what is strangled, and from fornication" (Acts 15:28, 29). By which scripture it was clearly shown that, although it was written by the human apostles, yet by the action of the Spirit it became a law for the universe, which law, having been accepted by Barnabas and Paul, made it valid in the whole world.

30. Having continued my speech hitherto, I ask of you, beloved, and especially of the Spirit who dwells in Paul, forgiveness, if, because of my weakness and your labor, hearers, I could not say everything. For can I relate, as it should be, the wondrous deeds, by the power of the Holy Spirit, which we call Christ's, performed by him in Cyprus over Elimus the sorcerer, in Lystra, where he healed a lame man, in Cilicia, Phrygia, Galatia, Mysia, and Macedonia, or what he did in Philippi; here I mean his preaching and expulsion in the name of Christ of the spirit of divination, and during the night, after the convulsion of the prison, salvation through the baptism of the prison guard with all his house; or what he did in Thessalonica, and in the Athens in the Areopagus that produced his preaching, or what he taught in all Achaia? Can I, as I should, relate the actions performed through Paul in Ephesus by the Holy Spirit, Whom those who dwell there, without knowing before, knew by means of Paul's teaching? For when Paul laid on his hands, and when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they spoke with tongues and prophesied (Acts 19:6). The grace of the Holy Spirit was so great in him that not only did he heal by touch, but also the handkerchiefs and towels taken from his body healed illnesses and drove out evil spirits; even those who were engaged in their work, having gathered together their books, burned them before all (Acts 19:19).

31. I do not mention his action in the Troas above Eutychus, who, having fallen down from the third floor in a dream, was lifted up dead and resurrected by Paul. I am also silent about his conversation with the Ephesian presbyters, whom he called to Miletus, and clearly told them: "For the Holy Spirit beareth witness throughout all the cities, saying, That chains await me, and sorrows await me" (Acts 20:23); for by the words, "Throughout all the cities," Paul clearly showed that in every city the miracles he performed were produced by the action of the Holy Spirit, by the mania of God, and by the name of Christ who spoke in it. By the power of this Holy Spirit, the same Paul hastily arrived in Holy Spirit. this city is Jerusalem. Though Agabus had foretold by the Spirit what would happen to him here, yet he did not cease to preach boldly about Christ. Being brought to Capia, in the midst of the judgment seat, now before Felix, now before Phistus the governor and Agrippa the king, Paul had such a powerful grace of wisdom from the Holy Spirit, that even the King of the Jews Agrippa himself said: "Little do you dispute with me as a Christian" (Acts 26:28). The same Holy Spirit preserved Paul from harm, when he was bitten by a viper on the island of Melite, and through him performed various healings over the sick. The same Holy Spirit finally brought this preacher of Christ, who had once been a persecutor, to reigning Rome, where he persuaded many living Jews to believe in Christ; but to those who resisted he spoke plainly; The Holy Spirit hath spoken well through Isaiah, the Prophet, speaking to your fathers, and so forth. (Acts 28:25).

32. And that Paul and all the Apostles like him and others after them who believe in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (of one essence) were filled with the Holy Spirit, for this reason listen to what Paul clearly writes in his Epistles: "And my word and my preaching are not in words contrary to human wisdom, but in the manifestation of the Spirit and power" (1 Corinthians 2:11). 4); and in another place: "Who also seals us" (2 Corinthians 1:22) in this God, and gives us the betrothal of the Spirit (5:5). And again: "Having raised up Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your dead body by His living Spirit in you" (Romans 8:11). Also in the Epistle to Timothy: "Keep a good testament by the Holy Spirit which dwelleth in us" (2 Tim. 1:14).

33. And that the Holy Spirit is self-existent, and lives, and speaks, and predicts, I have said many times before. And Paul clearly writes to Timothy: "And the Spirit saith plainly, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith" (1 Tim. 4:1); what we see in the divisions of the Church, which existed not only in former times, but also in our own times, since the error of the heretics is different and diverse. And in another place he says: "Who in other generations was not called the son of man, as now He has been revealed by His Holy Apostle and Prophet by the Holy Spirit, and so on." (Ephesians 3:3) And again: "In the same way the Holy Spirit speaketh" (Heb. 3:7). Likewise: "And the Holy Spirit also bears witness unto us" (Heb. 10:15). And in another place He calls upon those armed with righteousness, saying: "Take up ye the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, with all prayer and supplication" (Ephesians 6:17, 18). And also: do not be drunk with wine, for there is fornication in it: but rather be filled with the Spirit, saying to yourselves in the Psalms and the hymns and spiritual songs (5:18, 19). And again: the grace of the Lord and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit with you all (2 Corinthians 13:13).

34. All this and much more that is omitted by the understanding represents the self-existent, sanctifying and active power of the Holy Spirit. For I would not have time to narrate, if I were willing to offer the rest of the testimonies about the Holy Spirit from the fourteen Epistles of the Apostle Paul, in which he taught about Him in various ways, sufficiently, and piously. However, may the Almighty Holy Spirit Himself forgive me for lack of time, and may He give you, hearers, the most perfect knowledge of what has been omitted. For those who are diligent among you will learn this from the repeated reading of the Divine Scriptures, and by these two previously spoken teachings they will be more firmly established in faith in the One God the Father Almighty, and in our Lord Jesus Christ, His Only-begotten Son, and in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Although the expression and naming of this Spirit in the Divine Scripture is attributed to all three persons: for it is said of the Father: "The Spirit is God" (John 4:24), as it is written in the Gospel of John; and of the Son: Christ the Lord is the Spirit of our countenance (Lamentations 4:20), as the Prophet Jeremiah says; and of the Holy Spirit: "And the Comforter is the Holy Spirit" (John 14:26); as it is said: nevertheless, the teaching of faith, which is piously understood, rejects the Sabellian error. And so, let us return by reasoning to what I now need, and it is useful for you to say.

35. Beware lest you approach those who baptize, like Simon, with hypocrisy, not caring about the truth in your heart. Our business is to testify, and yours to be affirmed. If thou standest in faith, blessed art thou; if you have fallen into unbelief, then from this time forsake unbelief and be sure. At the time of baptism, when you approach the Bishops, or Presbyters, or Deacons (everywhere there is grace, both in the villages and in the cities, in the common people and in the learned, in the slaves and the free; for grace is not from men, but from God is given through men): approach the one who baptizes, but as you approach, do not look at the face of him whom you see, but keep this Holy Spirit in your thoughts, about Whom we are now conversing. For He is ready to seal your soul. And truly heavenly and divine, with which the wonders are terrified, He will give thee a seal, as it is written: In Him also he that believeth be signified by the Holy Spirit of promise. (Ephesians 1:13).

36. But He tests the soul; He does not throw the pearls before swine. If you are a hypocrite, then men baptize you now, but the Spirit does not baptize you. But if you approach with faith, then men will do things that are visible, and the Holy Spirit will communicate things that are not seen. In this one hour you will be subjected to an important test, election to the great army: if you destroy this time, it will be impossible to correct your evil. If you are vouchsafed grace, then your soul will be enlightened: you will receive strength that you did not have; you will receive a weapon that is terrible to evil spirits. And if you do not lay down this weapon, but keep the seal on your soul, then the evil spirit will not come to you, for it is terrified; for by the Spirit of God evil spirits are cast out.

37. If you believe, you will not only receive remission of sins, but you will also do deeds that exceed human strength. May God grant you to be worthy of the gift of Prophethood. You will receive grace to the extent that you can contain, and not to the extent that I say. You can talk to me about small things, and you can get more; for faith is a great purchase. The Comforter will always guard you, will take care of you as his warrior, both when you enter, and when you leave, and when evil is plotted against you. He will give you all kinds of gifts, if you do not offend Him with your sins. For it is written: "Do not offend the Holy Spirit of God, who is signified in the day of redemption" (Ephesians 4:30). How, beloved, should grace be preserved? Be ready to receive grace, and having received it, do not lose it.