«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Prayer for the increase of love. The Apostle Paul writes to the Philippians: "I pray that your love may increase more and more in knowledge and in every feeling" (Phil. 1:9).

Prayer for the gift of edification (cf. 1 Cor. 14:13).

Prayer against satanic forces (cf. 2 Corinthians 12:8).

Prayer for the perfection of the faithful (cf. 2 Corinthians 13:9).

Prayer for all people (cf. 1 Tim. 2:1).

Prayer for the Coming of the Lord Jesus (2 Thess. 2:1).

Prayer for a meeting with friends (1 Thess. 3:10): in order to see your face, writes St. Paul.

Prayer in the spirit is most important (Eph. 6:18; 1 Cor. 14:14-19).

Prayer is common in church (Acts 3:1). And so on, without end or end.

The Holy Fathers, the heirs of the Apostles, composed prayers, in accordance with the accumulated experience, for every human need and for all occasions of life. The Orthodox Church preserves this experience, calling it Holy Tradition. And Holy Tradition is the primary thing in the world. After all, it confirms the Holy Scriptures from age to age and from generation to generation. The Holy Scriptures are not supplemented by anything and in no way, they remain forever as they were, with their examples and events. Holy Tradition, on the other hand, is supplemented with more and more new experience and spiritual treasures, and by this the Holy Scripture of God is increasingly illuminated and revealed. Thanks to its rich Tradition, the Orthodox Church surpasses all Churches. Protestants, who do not have Holy Tradition, are despair and misery. After all, without Holy Tradition, it is difficult to accept Holy Scripture as the Book of Life. Life flows like a river: somewhere quiet, and somewhere with a rumble, with waterfalls, with floods. All these changes in the river of life are predestined by Holy Scripture and are profoundly illuminated and shown in Holy Tradition.

How, for example, could Protestants prove the truth of the words of the Saviour: "And more than these miracles shall ye do" (cf. John 14:12)? Absolutely nothing. In this way they equate Christ with liars. Meanwhile, in the course of twenty centuries, many testimonies have been shown that the holy people of God in the name of Christ have performed miracles even greater than Christ Himself. Not from himself and not by his own power, but from Christ and the help of Christ. We know this from Holy Tradition. And only Holy Tradition has proved the truthfulness of these words of Christ, as well as of all His other words, and of this prophecy of His, as well as of the rest of His prophecies.

I know, Theodoulos, that you feel sorry for India. And if you feel sorry for her, pray for her, that the Lord may enlighten her with the light of truth. When she learns the truth, then she will also know the right life and learn to turn to God in prayer with the words: Our Father. He will no longer pray to demons and will not offer sacrifices to them, as miserable slaves offer to evil masters; will not listen to the Buddha who did not know about prayer, because he did not know about God as the Heavenly Father. And hundreds of millions of Indians will rejoice when they hear the Good News of Christ that there is no transmigration of souls from body to body, that human souls are passing into the Kingdom of the Father of light and love. Then all these millions of human beings will seek a prayerful connection, a prayerful contact with their Heavenly Father. And the bride India will become holy India; There will no longer be in it the incomprehensible prayer "Om, om, om," but there will be lifted up throughout the whole country the intelligent802 and joyful prayer: Our Father!

Mysterious Book