«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

There are many books in the world, Theodoulos, indeed many, many. If they multiply at today's rate, there will be more teachers than students. And the mind of a person will split from books, like a mirror breaks into hundreds of fragments. And neurosis will become the main disease of humanity. If it could be confirmed that the more books, the more wisdom, then one could rejoice in a multitude of books and a multitude of libraries. But this cannot be confirmed. On the contrary, it seems that those who write books pour out all their minds into books and live without a mind. Many books are written not only in our time - the time of fast printing and cheap paper, but also in the right time many books were written. Three thousand years ago, the wise King Solomon said: to compile many books – there will be no end, and to read a lot – it is tiring for the body. I do not know why he did not add: "And it is destructive to the spirit"? The main thing, says this wise king, of all that you have heard, is this: fear God and keep His commandments, for this is all for man; for God will bring every deed into judgment, and every secret thing, whether it be good or bad (Ecclesiastes 12:12-14).

There are many books in the world, my Theodoulos, but only one of them is called the Book of Life. This is the sacred letter of God.803 Is there any people in the world, except the Serbs, who call this Book of Life the Letter? I do not know. Perhaps you know, Theodoulos? And it is precisely this word "Letter" that says a lot. When an evil son moves away from his father, then the father communicates with him by means of letters. He does not talk to him, does not see him, but sends him letters. This is something quite common in people's daily lives. Meanwhile, the most ordinary explains what is most unusual. Through the sin of Adam, Cain, and Cain's descendants, Ham and Ham's descendants,804 men grew in evil, and became more and more distant and separated from God their Creator. And God no longer received them for conversation, as He once received the righteous forefathers Noah, Abraham and Moses, but sent them letters through His prophets. Everything that comes from God is holy, and God's letters to His lost children are holy. I am very glad, Theodoulos, that the Serbs have called the Bible, or the Book of Life, the Holy Script. After all, this name corresponds to the actual attitude of God to people.

But now I will not tell you about the Holy Scriptures, but about one invisible book. Do you believe, Theodoulos, that there is an invisible book? If you believe in the Holy Scriptures of God, then you must be consistent and believe in the mysterious invisible book. After all, the Holy Scriptures – both the Old and the New Testaments – testify to such a book.

The Prophet Moses mentions the invisible book of God. When the Jews cast the golden calf and proclaimed it their god, the Lord wanted to destroy all this people. And Moses prayed to the Lord, saying, Forgive them their sin, and if not, blot me also out of Thy book, in which Thou hast written.

To this the Lord answers Moses: "Whosoever has sinned against me, I will blot out of my book" (Exodus 32:32-33).

King David also mentions this book and calls it the book of the living. Speaking of rapists and evildoers, he curses them thus: "Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and let them not be written with the righteous" (Psalm 68:29).

And in another place the Psalmist mentions this mysterious book. Testifying that God knows all things and sees all things, he says:

When I created in secret, I was formed in the depths of the womb. Thy eyes have seen my embryo; in Thy book are written all the days appointed for me, when not one of them was yet (Psalm 138:15-16).

The prophet Ezekiel saw in a vision only a heavenly book, but it seems that this is not a mysterious book of names and destinies. He says thus: And I saw, and behold, a hand was stretched out to me, and behold, in it was a scroll of a book. And He unfolded it before me, and behold, the scroll was written inside and out, and it was written on it: "Weeping, and groaning, and woe" (Ezekiel 2:9-10).

The Prophet Daniel in his vision saw the Dread Judgment of God, truly terrible, even in a vision from afar. I saw how the thrones were set and how the Elder sat on His throne, like a flame of fire, and his wheels like a kindled heat. A river flowed before the Elder, all of fire, and thousands of thousands of His servants stood around the Elder; the judges sat down, and the books were opened (Dan. 7:10).

The angel who revealed to Daniel the end times of human history began thus: "I will declare unto thee the things which are written in the true Scriptures" (Dan. 10:21). And having described all the misfortunes that will befall the people of the end times, the Angel of God concludes thus: "At this time all of thy people shall be saved, which are found written in the book" (Dan. 12:1).

The last Old Testament prophet, the angel-like Malachi, also speaks of this mysterious book: "The Lord heareth and heareth it, and before His face is written a book of remembrance concerning them that fear the Lord and honour His name" (Mal. 3:16).

This is what is written in the Old Testament about this invisible book.

This book is mentioned no less in the New Testament. Especially the Apostle Paul and the Apostle John the Theologian.