The New Testament is for children. The Acts of the Holy Apostles

20 For this reason I have called you to see and speak with you, for because of the hope of Israel I am bound with these bonds.

21 And they said unto him, 'We have not received any letters concerning thee from Judea, nor have any of the brethren that come to us made known of thee, nor said any evil thing.'

22 Yet it is desirable for us to hear from thee how thou thinkest; for we know that this doctrine is everywhere disputed.

23 And having appointed a day for him, a great many came to him at the inn; and he expounded to them from morning to evening the doctrine of the kingdom of God, giving testimonies and testifying them about Jesus from the law of Moses and the prophets.

24 Some were persuaded by his words, and others did not believe.

25 And when they did not agree among themselves, they departed, when Paul had said these words, "Well did the Holy Spirit speak unto our fathers through the prophet Isaiah,

26 Go to this people, and say, 'With your ears you will hear, and you will not understand, and with your eyes you will see, and you will not see.'

27 For the heart of these people is hardened, and with their ears they can hardly hear, and their eyes are closed, lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn back, that I may heal them.

28 Therefore let it be known to you that the salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles: they also will hear.

29 And when he had said these things, the Jews went away, arguing much among themselves.

30 And Paul dwelt two whole years at his own expense, and received all that came to him,

31 preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ, with all boldness, without hindrance.