«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

All religions existing in the world, except for the true one Orthodox, are false and do not save a person. False religion is a mockery of people. After death it will be immediately revealed how firm is that on which one has based his hope... What a terrifying and tearing state will be the one who then sees that he has been deceived (St. Theophan the Recluse).


14. Why is it important to surround ourselves with edification in our homes and everywhere we go?


Because every object in the world and every impression of an object evokes in man certain thoughts, feelings, and desires, this or that activity, which are in accord with these impressions. That is why you need to surround yourself in such a way that everything edifies you. Even if something does not produce evil thoughts and feelings, it distracts from the main thing – the salvation of the soul and striving for God... For example, a Christian's room used to edify everyone. On the walls were nailed sheets of paper of various sizes with prayers and sayings from the Holy Scriptures; many icons, a picture of the Last Judgment, photographs of elders, spiritual fathers, schema-monks, ascetics, monasteries and churches.


15. How can we be guided in the spiritual life in our time?


For the latter times, the later Holy Fathers offer more guidance from the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Fathers, without rejecting the very cautious counsel with contemporary Fathers and brethren, while carefully maintaining in their thoughts and feelings the spirit of humility and repentance. This is a work given by God to our time; and we are obliged to reverently use the gift of God given to us for salvation (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov).


16. In what cases are external labors useless?


There is no benefit from all external labors if through them we are not able to attain inner goodness.