«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

целью они это делают, равно, как не знаешь, с

какой целью и я с кем-либо так, а не иначе пос224 ПРОТОИЕРЕЙ ВАЛЕНТИН МОРДАСОВ ЧТО ПОСОВЕТУЕТЕ, БАТЮШКА? 225

тупаю. Старайся более внимать себе, а не разбирать дела, обращение и поступки других. Ты

христианин, а потому не имеешь права судить —

где, когда и как с кем поступают.

Как найти удобнейшее средство к погашению

чувственной страсти?

The first and usual means of cutting off carnal passion is to distance oneself from the

objects that inflame the soul, as well as strict abstinence. It is difficult to be chaste among

temptations of the world. It is also useful to remember the

its perishability and the imminent approach of the hour

Mortal. What a pity to see people who

possessed by such a passion, plunged into incurable diseases or lost of intelligence, or exhausted by jealousy, pierced by treachery and treachery, tormented before

death in the hellfire of despair.

What are the responsibilities of a Christian spouse?

The all-wise king of Israel points to

The following responsibilities of a Christian spouse

(among other duties): She

He recompenses him with good, and not with evil, all the days of his life.

He gets wool and flax and willingly works with his own hands. She, like merchant ships, extracts from afar

Your bread. She gets up at night and distributes food in the house

his own and his maidservants. She will think about the field

and acquires it; from the fruit of his hands he plants a vineyard. He girds his loins with strength, and strengthens his muscles. She feels that her occupation is good, and her lamp does not go out even at night. Stretches out his hands

their own to the spinning wheel, and its fingers take hold of the spindle. Hand

She reveals her hand to the poor, and gives her hand to the needy. He is not afraid of the cold for his family, because

that her whole family was dressed in double clothes... Fortress and

beauty is her garment, and she looks merrily at the future...

The children rise up and praise her, the husband, and praises her: "There were many virtuous women, but you surpassed them all