«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

with the dignity of the human soul, raised

By God's love for mankind, in a sacred secret way – to a degree of perfection similar to the life of an Angel. From this you will see that every thing

extremely invaluable before the lofty nobility of the Christian soul. For what profit is it to man, says our Lord, if he gains the whole world, and forsakes his own soul? (Matt. 16:26). If

And this is so, then consider: the incomparably worse is unworthy to be loved before the most precious

and incomparably better, i.e., perishable matter

before the imperishable and immortal soul.

Therefore, proper love for one's soul requires zealous care for gifts and benefits

spiritual, useful for our salvation, and not

to be carried away by addiction to perishable things that cannot satiate the immortal soul.

How to get rid of the scattering of thought in

Prayer time?

Praying with your lips, pray with your mind, that is, direct

mind by virtue of the words of prayer. If due to infirmity or due to

In the midst of prayer, if you are carried away by contemplation of some subject, then, having felt

your imprudence, sigh with contrition to the Lord, and with great fervor deepen your


attention to prayer; always do this, and you will feel the benefit. Constancy of mind and vigilance attract special gifts of grace to the soul.

How to get rid of old sinful habits?

Like a snake can't shake off its old skin if it doesn't crawl through a narrow hole

or a slit, so we cannot get rid of ourselves

our old habits in sins and the sinful garments of the old man, if we do not