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Please explain what an icon is? Can any image of a saint be an icon? Which icons should be placed in the holy corner and how many?

Translated from Greek, an icon means an "image" or image of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints. In ancient times, icons were painted by icon painters, many of whom were monks. The paints were diluted with holy water. Before starting to paint the icon, the iconographer prayed a lot and fasted. Therefore, many ancient icons were miraculous. At present, due to the great need for icons, as well as due to the high cost of icons painted by artists, the church allows lithographic depiction. It must be said that no matter how the icons are made, they must be treated with reverence. It is better to buy icons in monasteries or churches, since stores often sell non-Orthodox images of saints. In church, purchased icons are usually consecrated; If the origin of the image is unknown, it must be consecrated in the church. If you have doubts about the image you have purchased or given to you, you need to contact the nearest church and consult a priest. In the house, believers usually strive to have the following icons in their holy corner: the Savior, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas, the saint after whom you are named, as well as the saints you especially revere. In quantitative terms, no one limits you. You can have as many icons as your heart desires. If the image has fallen into disrepair (the face is not visible, the painting field is greatly lost, and it is impossible to restore this image, especially if it is a photographic or lithographic image), then it must be burned in the church oven.

What does the expression "trampling down death by death" mean?

This expresses the fact that the Savior Jesus Christ, by His death on the Cross, destroyed the death with which mankind in the person of Adam was punished for the Fall. On the Cross, the Savior delivered mankind "from sin, curse, and death." And if physical death still has power over humanity, then spiritual death has been defeated by the Resurrection of Jesus.

"He that believeth in Me hath eternal life," says the Gospel (John 6:47). It is no accident that these words are placed in the troparion of Pascha – the Bright Resurrection of Christ, because this event is the main truth of Christianity. The Holy Apostle Paul wrote that "if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is in vain, and our faith is also in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:14).

What is immersion? They say it's the same as Baptism? I would like to hear the correct answer.

Immersion is one of the most important elements of Baptism. Immersion of the baptized person in water means that he dies, as it were, to a carnal, sinful life and is born to eternal, spiritual life. In addition to immersion, pouring is allowed, which symbolizes that sins are removed from a person.

Is it necessary to baptize children born to people who are not married to a church?

What is the fault of the unfortunates? Let's look at the parents and find out why they did not marry in church and, again, why they want to baptize their children. This is what we will proceed from. They also have their own reasons. We need to see how parents motivate their situation. Perhaps they have experienced something that they are now looking for help. It is like a screw: if you do not press, it will not screw well (Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain).

It seems to me that I teach others a lot how to live. Is it good for my salvation?